
SymptomsPreventionOther recommendations

Dengue has become a name of horror all around the globe. It has taken the shape of a horrific epidemic and is spreading across Pakistan on an exponential pace. To curb this menace, it is immense to understand the various aspects of this virus ranging from its emergence including its causes to its cure.

Method 1 of 3: Symptoms

Home remedies for Dengue

Dengue fever is a disease caused by four related viruses spread by a particular species of mosquito. Mild dengue fever causes high fever, rash, and muscle and joint pain.

Dengue fever signs and symptoms typically include:

* High fever, up to 105 degree fahrenheit

* A rash over most of your body, which may subside after a couple of days and then reappear

* Severe headache, backache or both

* Pain behind your eyes

* Severe joint and muscle pain

* Nausea and vomiting

Dengue fever rarely causes death, and symptoms usually get better after five to seven days.

Home remedies for Dengue

1) Take 2 pieces of raw papaya leaves, clean them. Pound and squeeze out the juice through filter cloth. Two tablespoon per serving once a day.

Do not boil or cook or rinse with hot water, it will loose its strength. Only the leafy part and no stem or sap. It is bitter in taste, just swallow it.

2) Regular Use Of Onion Soaked In Vinegar

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Method of use:

a) Cut fresh onion in to small pieces and put them in a wide-mouthed jar (or any other suitable glass container). Mouth of the jar should be wide enough to allow use of a fork or spoon.

b) Fill the jar with vinegar sufficient to cover all the onion pieces. You can even fill the jar completely.

c) Keep it for a day to allow time to vinegar to seep in to the onion pieces. It is ready for use. You can start using it even immediately.

d) Use few pieces with lunch or dinner or both everyday till the dangerous season is over.

e) Store it in a refrigerator.

f) When required, refill the jar with onion pieces in the same way in the same left over vinegar.

g) More vinegar may be added when its level s. You need not use fresh vinegar every time you refill the jar.

3) Neem leaves, Neem Oil are a great purifying agent and should be applied on a damp warm cloth in dosages of between 15 to 60 grammes 2-3 times daily.

    1. The time between the bite of a mosquito carrying dengue virus and the start of symptoms averages 4 to 6 days. Anyone bitten by an infected mosquito can get dengue fever however risk factors for dengue fever include age, immune and type of virus infecting. Most frequently, persons who were previously infected with one or more types of dengue virus if infected again are at higher risk.

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It should be noted that usage should be restricted in both males and females seeking pregnancy.

4) The leaves of coriander can be taken in the form of a tonic to reduce the fevers in dengue.

    1. Symptoms usually start with high fever lasting 3 to 5 days, rash, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, and muscle and joint pain.

5) Fruits rich in vitamin C like amla (embellica officinalis) are advised as vitamin C helps in better absorption of iron.

6) Chyavanprash can be taken as it is an immunobooster, blood purifier and increases blood count.

7) Boiled tulsi that is basil leaves served in a warm drink like tea can help prevent an outbreak of dengue. This bitter and pungent herb has all the properties that strengthen the internal system against fever.

    1. The severity of the joint pain has given dengue the name "break bone fever."

8) Use Tulsi leaf ten pieces and one black pepper. This should be the proportion. Grind it and make pea size pills, use it with water.

9) Papaya juice is a natural cure for dengue fever. The juice of Papaya leaf is a sure cure for platellete deficiency.

10) Chirayata has tremendous medicinal properties in the reduction of fevers. It is used for remedying the convulsions that accompany fevers in dengue.

11) Fenugreek leaves are taken as herbal tea in order to reduce fevers. This drink acts as a soothing and cleansing tea for the human system.

    1. Nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite are common.

12) Orange juice helps with digestion, increased urinary output, promotes antibodies for faster healing and recovery.

    1. A rash usually appears 3 to 4 days after the start of the fever.

    1. The illness can last up to 10 days, but complete recovery can take as long as a month.

    1. Most dengue infections result in relatively mild illness, but some can progress to dengue hemorrhagic fever. In dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), the blood vessels start to leak and cause bleeding from the nose, mouth, and gums.

    1. Bruising can be a sign of bleeding inside the body. Symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever are headache, fever, and rash, small red or purple blisters under skin, bleeding in nose, gums, and black stool. This type of fever can be life threatening and in worse case scenario can progress in to severe form of illness dengue shock syndrome. In moderate DHF cases, all signs and symptoms abate after the fever subsides.

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    1. In severe cases, the patient's condition may suddenly deteriorate.

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    1. After few days the temperature of the body drops followed by signs of circulatory failure and the patient may rapidly go into a critical state of shock and die within 12 to 24 hours, or quickly recover with appropriate medical treatment. Lab test for diagnosing dengue virus are blood test, Haemagglutination Inhibition Assays (HAI) and ELISA.Cure:-

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    1. There is no specific cure for dengue fever although symptomatic treatment (treatment relieving symptoms) is specified for example to alleviate the symptom of fever NSAIDS (ibuprofen, ponstan fort, parecetamol, diclofenac) are given along with malarial treatment, rest, and intravenous fluid replacement.

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    1. Use of aspirin and disprine in dengue is strictly forbidden as they auxiliary increase the platelets destruction. Maintenance of the patient's circulating fluid volume is the central feature of DHF care. The most bewildering thing transpire frequently is incorrect diagnosis as many diseases share similar symptoms (fever and body aches) but they can be differentiated as there are some noticeable distinctions in the way that they occur. Dengue Fever is a long lasting fever with swollen and painful joints, and a rash.

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    1. After the fever, finger and toe joints swell and pin-prick looking rash over legs, arms and torso can be seen while Malaria is a short lasting, recurring fever, accompanied by chills and body ache.

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    1. The short duration and recurrence of symptoms are what really distinguish malaria from other dengue. Fever and chills lasted around five hours at a time, but returned every second day (consistent with the parasite life cycle) along with inconsistent flu.

Method 2 of 3: Prevention

    1. There is an old saying “Prevention is better than cure.” The wise man`s words are worth listening and paying attention to.

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    1. Some of the preventive measure which are immense to be taken by populace are as under:

        • Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering containers to prevent laying of eggs by female mosquitoes can be obliging.

        • Application of appropriate insecticides to larval habitats present in water storage vessels can prevent mosquito breeding for several weeks but it must be re-applied periodically.

Method 3 of 3: Other recommendations

    1. At present, the only method of controlling and preventing dengue fever and DHF at government level is to combat vector mosquito. Implementation of vector control using environmental management and chemical methods can be versatile.

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    1. Continuous surveillance and education of the clinician is essential for the recognition of the risk factors of dengue hemorrhagic fever.In elderly patients, blood group and cross matching should be carried out as a routine precaution, which may be helpful in emergency.

    1. During outbreaks, emergency control measures should be taken including the application of insecticides as space sprays to kill adult mosquitoes using portable or truck-mounted machines. By taking in consideration above-cited measure, we can control and/or eradicate the outburst of dengue.