Significant Insignificance

Our Universal Hunting Neighbourhood

Our Universe

Our galaxy

Our Milky way Galaxy in perspective

Our Solar system

Our Solar system planetary orbits

Our solar system - size of planets

Our Planetary information from Sun

Earth in its neighbourhood

Inside our earth

India in its neighbourhood

India, view from above

Bangalore from above

Our whole universe is an insignificant spec

in the unimaginable vastness of space - emptiness

Within our universe, our milky way galaxy is another tiny spec

And inside the milky way galaxy, our solar system

is another tiny dot in space

Inside the solar system our earth is a tiny object.

Within the tiny object, there are infinite life forms.

And among all the life forms, the human being is just one life form

However, in the inconceivable cosmic vastness, the human being has

the capacity to consciously know about this cosmic vastness and the cosmic power that holds this vastness or hosts this vastness.

Several sages and higher human beings have tapped into the cosmic vastness; harnessed and used the cosmic powers and physically displayed these powers both positively and negatively.

Several enlightened beings have also transcended these cosmic powers and showed of the way to become ONE with the very cosmic source and thus, and only thus, go beyond the cycle of life and death.

It is the INFINITE EMPTINESS that supports the Material Vastness.

If you become one with the Infinite Emptiness,

you become one with the very sources of all creation.

If you empty your mind of your thoughts,

the infinite emptiness becomes available to you.

The more thoughts you have inside your head,

the less the cosmic source is available for you to use.

The choice before each of our lives is absolutely clear -

We have 2 options in front of us -

Engage ourselves daily with your thoughts - the unending physical and mental attractions and live our lives fully occupied daily with these attractions and engagements, alternate between pleasure and pain, between happiness and sorrow, between worries and daily routines, and keep growing old every day, die and come back again in another birth to repeat the same cycle in blissful ignorance


Commit ourselves in every activity, to become one with the cosmic source and BREAK the cycle of life and death.

Do you wish to live in the infinite bliss of the cosmic source

or do you want to live with the limited mind, pleasures & egos of your bodily existence, claiming that your current requirement or necessity is for these?

or do you actually want to claim the

Kingdom of God that is actually within us?

The choice & responsibility is yours to make or take

(just as with everything in life).