
How Tridosha Influence Body And Mind During Sleep?

Samskar Ebyaha asked – Can you explain more on the splitting up of the night into 3 aspect? What happens distinctly during these times?

The night time is specifically influenced by Kapha Dosha, because of coolant nature of Moon. Hence, our sleep is especially influenced by Kapha Dosha. This means that people with Kapha domination sleep more.

Though Kapha is the dominant Dosha during night, if you can split night hours into three parts, each part is dominated by one Dosha each.

The first part – around 9 – 12 mid night is dominated by Kapha Dosha.

Mid part – 12 mid night to around 3:30-4 am is dominated by Pitta Dosha.

The last part – between 3 – 6 am is dominated by Vata Dosha.

Hence, it makes sense to sleep well within 11 PM, because, Kapha is dominant and it is related to sleep. Hence, you can sleep better.

If you delay sleep beyond 12, by that time, Pitta Dosha is dominant, not only sleeping will be uncomfortable, you also make yourself prone to headache, grey hairs, and skin diseases.

This is why, you need to stay away from gadgets and computers ahead of hitting the bed. Involving with them, makes you think more and more, triggers Vata which is not ideal, because, you need to boost Kapha to allow yourself to sleep.

In the first one-third of night sleep:

Kapha Dosha is dominant.

Earth and water elements are dominant.

In stomach, food gets mixed well with digestive juices and initial stages of digestion sets in.

There is heaviness in head, eyes and whole body, which makes sleeping easier.

Most part of relaxation happens at this initial time period.

Mind is calmer in this part of time, than the other two.

Second one-third of sleep:

In second one-third of night, Pitta is dominant. Fire and water elements are dominant.

Most part of the digestion and metabolism occurs at this stage.

Last part of sleep:

The digested nutrients are circulated to all parts of the body, supplying energy.

Mind becomes more and more active.

Lungs, heart, and intestines become slowly active as a couple of hours pass by.

Stool and urine formation happens more at this stage.

Thus, the body is influenced by all the three Doshas at night.

What Is The Right Time To Sleep? How To Plan Your Sleep?

The number of people having difficulty in maintaining a regular night sleep pattern is increasing by the day. Unfortunately, most of them are youngsters, who fail to sleep early and wake up early. If your daily routine becomes irregular at a very young age, it surely fails to lay a good foundation for your future health and life. Try to follow these tips to sleep at a fixed time at night, preferably by 11 PM

Why 11 PM is the right time to sleep?

There are many factors to decide the time to go bed. For most of us, it is better to fix the sleeping time to not-later-than 11 PM. As per Ayurveda, sleep is influenced by Kapha Dosha.

Those with Kapha body type sleep more. Those with Pitta or Vata body type, usually sleep less.

If you divide the night into three parts, the first part of night, – about 9 pm – 12 mid night is dominated by Kapha. So, irrespective of your Dosha body type, you will have some sort of Kapha dominance during this period. Hence, if you sleep within this time, the chances of you getting a good night sleep is very high.

Do not wait till 12

Though Kapha time may last till 12 mid night, it is not wise to wait till 12 at night to go to bed. Between 10 – 11 is the good time to sleep. Hence, ideally, it is best to go to sleep before 11 pm. If you delay your bed time beyond 12 o clock, the middle one third of the night is dominated by Pitta, which is not conducive to sleep.

Avoid Pitta imbalance:

This means that, people who sleep late, usually suffer with Pitta imbalance disorders, such as migraine, burning sensation, gastritis, grey hairs, hair loss, worsening of skin diseases, worsening of blood toxins, etc. This also means that, if you have these disorders already, better to sleep early, or your symptoms may worsen.

Enabling you to wake up before 6 am

Sleeping by 11 pm also enables you to wake up by 6 am. This will give you a good rest of about 7 hours of night sleep, which is quite ideal. Waking up by 6 has its own distinct advantages.

So, now you know that it is good to hit the bed, at least by 11 pm. Let me workout a plan for you to help you do so.

Plan to sleep by 11 pm

If you have the habit of having coffee/ tea at night, it should be before 7:30 pm. No beverages after that.

Have Food on or before 9 pm. This will give you a good gap of 2 hours, between dinner and bed time, which is idea. This helps to avoid indigestion disorders.

Unless very thirsty, avoid drinking anything after 10:00 pm.

Do not watch TV / internet half an hour before sleep. By 10:30 pm, your laptops, tablets and phones should be far away from you.

10:30-10:40 pm -After keeping all the gadgets away, exercise for 10 minutes. It can be a few easy Yoga exercises, or just walking.

By 10:40, stop talking to all your family members. More you talk, more you activate thinking process, more the brain will be kept engaged. This will delay brain relaxing. This will delay sleeping.

10:40 – 10:50 pm - Read your favorite book or magazine (not on your phone or tablet)

Okay, we are left only with 10 minutes to finish brushing etc. Let us finish that and hit the bed.

Make sure to keep the room dark.

If you have trouble sleeping, do not even switch on dim light, while sleeping.

Keep the phone etc away from your bed.

Other tips:

Avoid spicy foods and foods that cause bloating causing foods at night, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carbonated, high acid drinks, dairy products, potato maize, pasta, chewing gum.

Avoid sweets and fried foods at night. Know why

Take cold water bath in the morning.

Drink good amounts of water throughout the day, based on your thirst. A well hydrated body will help in better energies and better sleeping habits.

A request to youngsters:

I have seen this late sleeping disorder in youngsters. So, here is a friendly chat to them –

I get that you are busy, you have your own priorities, your relationships, your friends, your hobbies, classes and what not.

I understand that whenever someone gives free advice, you get annoyed pretty easily. (used to happen to me as well).

I understand that you have your own world, completely different than anyone else.

But, You can also lead a disciplined, healthy and energetic life, which enables you to achieve whatever your future dreams are.

Or, you can lead a haphazard irresponsible life, where you can achieve a few things, pretty quickly, but you may not live long enough to enjoy those achievements.

I know that it is 24X7 world. Talk about a live-life-to-the fullest hardcore professional? Like you, I also work for 10 hours, 12 hours, 15 hours a day. But definitely not at the cost of my health.

You concentrate on all the aspects of your life. – Your friends, hobbies, classes, tuition, studies, relationships, affairs and what not. But have a little concentration on your health as well. All the best for that.

Night food is very important. Watch what you eat at night.

According to Ayurveda, night food is one thing that you need to be very careful about, if you are really serious about your health. Light night food is highly recommended both by Ayurveda and the modern science. One of my usual recommendations will always include a list of food to avoid at night.

If we divide a day into three equal parts, the last part is dominated by Kapha, naturally. So, in this period, the food that we eat should balance Kapha and should not increase Kapha dosha.

Foods to avoid – During night, oily food, junk food, sweets, chocolates, heavy-to-digest food, non vegetarian food, cold or frozen food, ice creams, large quantity of food, curd, etc foods should be avoided or taken in very little quantities. These are the food to avoid eating at night.

If these foods are taken, then it increases kapha leading to complications such as running nose during morning, worsening of cough and cold, allergies,excessive weight gain, excessive salivation during morning, worsening of vomiting, indigestion etc. Over a period of time, it causes toxic substance accumulation to cause further complications. So the persons suffering with all these should definitely avoid the above mentioned food articles. In many cases it is found that this simple diet adjustment alone cures or improves many of the respiratory conditions.

Diet plan for night – healthy low carb diet, which is easy to digest, are preferred during night. Curd at night is to be replaced with butter milk. Chapatis are better than rice. The quantity of food should be limited. Curry leaves ,dal, turmeric, small quantities of ginger, etc are good to have at night. The rule of thumb is – the food that you take should

make your stomach feel light. You should not get a sense of heaviness.

Generally during sleep, we require less energy. so, if we eat in large quantities at night, most of the energy produced out of the food is stored in the body, causing fat deposition and weight gain. Hence, modern science also recommends one to follow light diet during night.

How To Wake Up Early In The Morning? – 10 Ayurveda Tips

If you open any Ayurveda text book, the first advice that you will come across is to wake up early in the morning. Ayurveda advises to wake up in “Brahmi Muhurtha” that is about 45 minutes before sunrise. While we all dream of enjoying the calmness and elegance of early morning hours, setting up our daily routine to achieve this task consistently needs some effort. Here are a few tips.

Get to know the benefits: We have already learnt about the benefits of getting up early. It is beneficial both for your mind and body.

Set up your target: Decide the time in mind. and fix it as your aim. 5 O’ Clock, 6 O’clock, 6:30 ? Fix the time and concentrate all your mental energy to gather enough determination to target the time that you’ve fixed for yourself.

Switch off the TV and laptop at night. TV and Laptop are the two big obstacles that delay your sleeping time at night. Be determined to switch of them by, at least by 10 pm.

Do not announce it to your family and friends. If you say it to others, they may make fun of you and doubt your abilities. You have to believe and back yourself.

Eat light at night – Do not take heavy food at night. Avoid sweets, heavy, oily food stuff, frozen food stuff etc. Why? Having a light stomach is crucial for feeling light in the morning, which helps to wake up easily. Read more on this – watch what you eat at night.

Drink half a glass of water – This way, your bladder will be full by early morning and you will be forced to wake up. This advice is not suitable for diabetic patients, and people with frequent urination problem.

Keep the alarm at a distance from your bed. So as to avoid hitting the snooze button.

After the first half an hour, it will be very easy. – Initially, when you get up at determined time, you will have dizziness, heaviness of head, and laziness etc. At that time, in stead of going back to bed, at least, try going to bathroom, brush your teeth, read some news paper, warm up for your morning dose of exercise or yoga and keep yourself awake for initial half an hour with some effort. After first half an hour, it will be amazingly easy.

Take cold water bath – Having cold water bath will improve your alertness and concentration. Read more – hot water or cold water bath.

After waking up, do not stay in bed for long. Soon after you wake up, get out of the bed and stay away from it. Do not give excuse for yourself by planning the day in the bed. It may put you back to sleep.

Do not have unreasonable target. If you were usually getting up at 8 o clock, do not set yourself a target of 5 o clock, in stead, target 7 o clock and improve gradually, week after week.

Remember - all the difficulties that you face in initial days are only temporary but the mental and health benefits that you enjoy will be permanent.

How to sleep naturally, without falling a prey to sedatives?

There are many causes why we fail to sleep naturally. Work and relationship related stress, irregular diet, lifestyle and sleeping habits, night shifts, bad habits like drinking smoking and drug abuse are main causes for sleep disturbances.

Before you contemplate on going for Allopathic sedatives, which are addictive, habit-forming and come with a list of side effects, I suggest you try these Ayurvedic and natural remedies.

1. Correcting the lifestyle.

– Make sure you spend your time at bed at least 6 hours a day.

– make a strict daily schedule – at what time you are going to have food, what time you will go to bed etc and stick to it.

– Try stopping day sleeping. Stopping nap will improve night sleeping hours.

– Drink a glass of warm milk at night-time.

– Take warm water bath during evening hours, after you return from office.

– Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink juices, get your nutrition status to optimum levels.

– Do a small workout during evening, so that you feel tired, followed by a hot shower and then a warm cup of milk will definitely send you straight to bed.

– If you are sensitive to even a little bit of noise, use ear plugs.

– If you are sensitive to light, then switch it off or use a cloth band to cover your eyes, loosely. Now it has been scientifically proven that sleeping in a dark room mayprevent depression.

Some Useful Ayurvedic Procedures:

Massage: Whole body oil massage at least once in a week will improve your skin and muscle tone, general strength, calms your mind and relaxes your body. Mild swedana (steam therapy) after massage further helps to enhance the relaxation effect of massage therapy. It helps to achieve natural sleep.

Shirodhara, a famous procedure of instilling a stream of oil continuously on forehead for a period of 15 – 30 minutes is the Ayurvedic therapy of choice for relieving stress and to treat insomnia. It also helps to strengthen the sense organs, relieve headache and improve hair health. This procedure also helps to sleep naturally.

Medicated oils like Bala Taila, Ksheera bala taila etc. are used for this procedure.

Shiro Pichu – A simple procedure of soaking cotton swabs with the medicated oils and placing it all over the scalp for a period of 15 to 30 minutes is also very famous to induce sleep. Best results are obtained if done at night, followed by a hot shower, and a cup of warm milk. However, people with Kapha body type, and those who are lactose intolerant should not take milk at night.

21 Factors That Might Be Disturbing Your Good Night Sleep

There are may types of sleeping disorders like difficulty in falling asleep, disturbed course of sleep. Waking up too early in the morning etc. While certain health conditions cause sleepless nights, there are many small mistakes that you might be doing unknowingly which might be a big cause for your sleepless night. Let us find out.

Spicy food at night – We have learnt before that it is not a good idea to have sweet and oily food at night. It is also important to avoid to spicy and oily food at night.

Curds - According to Ayurveda, curds is also better avoided at night. Read more here – Curd at night?

Sleeping in the day – For many, who suffer from insomnia, sleeping in the day is discouraged. This helps to get the body tired by evening, which increases the chances of falling asleep naturally.

Bumpy Pillow – Sometimes, we ignore those little nodes, knots, and irregular surface or too much smoothness / hardness of our pillows. But it might cause you difficulty in falling asleep or disturb the sleep by awkward neck postures, pain, dust etc. Also, please do remember to change and wash the pillow cover regularly.

Too rough / too smooth bed – Neither of the two are good for your sleep or for your back. Chose the bed that suits you.

Light or noise - If both are bothering you at night, better to use an eye band and plug your ears.

Ventilation – Fresh air improves the chances of natural sleep. Avoid completely closed, ventilation-less bed rooms.

Aches and pains – According to Ayurveda, massage relaxes your body. I recommend it at least once a week, preferably in an Ayurveda center.

Lack of physical activity – For some, sedentary lifestyle habits, spending most of the day glued to laptop screens or TV, causes sleeplessness. try little exercise. For some, gym at evening hours make them tired by night and helps to fall asleep easily.

Sleeping soon after dinner – After dinner, it is advisable to wait at least for 1 – 2 hours before going to sleep.

If you have to sleep soon after dinner, say, to attend an early scheduled meeting on the next morning, then at least walk for 5 – 10 minutes, then go to bed.

Late night horror shows / internet browsing – They obviously take away your peace of mind and cause you difficulty in sleeping at night.

Irregular food and sleep timings – It causes digestion impairment. It also disturbs body’s natural rhythm and body clock, leading to sleeping difficulties.

Night shift jobs – If you are a night shift worker, there are a few simple guidelines which would help you to keep the sleep – awake balance.

Excess alcohol or smoking – causes sleeplessness along with other obvious problems.

Relationship problems – Do not start discussing that controversial topic with your spouse, while going to bed. It might cause sleeping disturbance to both of you.

Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Fear – While there are a lot of techniques to overcome these, my usual and simple advice is to adopt hobbies.

20 sleep tips on how to sleep better

Sleep is one of the basic necessities of body, similar to hunger and thirst. Though sleeping is a natural phenomenon, some find it difficult to sleep naturally and suffer from sleep deprivation and related diseases. Before you start to think about taking medication for sleeping, consider these simple yet effective sleep tips on how to sleep better.

sleep tips for better sleeping:

Make your room ready: The sleeping room and your bed should be very neat and clean. Neatness around helps to have a calm mind, leading to good sleep.

Dark room: Darkness helps to calm the mind faster. It helps to avoid unnecessary thoughts and self-chatting which are the barriers for a sound sleep. If your room is not dark enough, consider using an eye band. It helps.

Sound proof: Sound is another barrier for natural sleep. If your home is not a quiet place, then at least use an ear plug. Using eye cover and ear plug is useful if you work in night shift.

Chose the right bed and pillow: Hard or smooth, chose the right one which suits you.

Bed spread colour: Make sure the bed spread, covers and pillows are light in colour. Light blue, light purple or whatever soothes your mind.

Keep your arms in right position: Some get good sleep when they keep their arm above the head level. Some wake up from sleep due to a paining arm, which was kept below a pillow. Your arm in a comfortable position is critical for a better sleep.

Foot massage: If you can convince your beloved to do a little foot massage(may be without any oil), it really helps the body and mind to relax better.

Fixed timing: It really helps to keep a fixed schedule for sleeping, it sets up the body rhythm. It will set the body and mind clock.

Avoid TV /Computer – You should not watch TV / Computer screen at least one hour before going to bed.

Avoid horror books, movies, tragedy serials etc –Entertainment should make your mind happy and calm. It should not stimulate your mind, at least late night.

Use day sleeping wisely – Ayurveda advises day sleeping selectively. Click to read about day sleeping.

No heavy dinner – Since the energy requirement at night is very less, it is better to avoid heavy dinner. Light dinner gives your tummy and body a light experience, inducing natural sleep.

Ditch the smoking habit – Smoking causes sleep deprivation. It is one of the many reasons why you should quit smoking.

No altercation / anger / heavy thinking – Morning is the better time for sorting out issues. Late night is the time to keep the mind calm and relax the body with sleep.

Oil massage at least once a week – Oil massage should be a part of weekly routine, if not daily routine.

exercise at night – For a few, exercise at night helps in sleeping, because the body is so tired that it finds sleeping as the way to relax and regain strength.

Rose water home remedy – If your eyes are really tired or totally red, before going to bed, it is better to dip two pieces of cotton in rose-water and place it over your closed eyes for a few minutes. Strained eyes sometimes causes sleep deprivation.

Very light music – Playing a light music at a very low volume helps to relax your mind.

Apply oil to hair, shower at night helps a few to fight lack of sleep.

Shirodhara – It is an Ayurvedic procedure to induce deep mind relaxation. It helps to de-stress mind and body.

I Sleep Too Much! I Want To Sleep Less – 35 Effective, Practical Tips

I sleep too much! I want to sleep less – You might have told these sentences quite often without getting any success. The problem has mental, physical, spiritual and social aspects. Let us explore them and find permanent solutions.

Setting up the sleep hours

Knowing the target is very important. If we can fix the target in numbers, it really helps to better aim at the target. There are many researches that show that sleeping for less than six hours is not good for health for many.

So, minimum target should be six hours sleep. Many people may find six hours sleep insufficient. But it is better to aim at a difficult target so that at least we can settle for – 6 -7 hours of sleep. and the eluding six hours sleep target keeps the urge to sleep less alive.

An Idol To Follow

Usually Real Spiritual Gurus, your successful role models sacrifice sleep to achieve success.

If you are a cricket fan, here’s a real story for you – During his school days, Sachin Tendulkar went to an inter-school tournament. On the match day, at 3 a.m, the team coach, Mr Ramakant Achrekar heard sound from the top floor. When he went to check what’s happening, Tendulkar was throwing the ball against the wall and was practicing sweep shot.

All successful people that you know, sacrifice sleep to gain success.

Deep interest, love and passion in what you do

By whichever words I explain it, how hard I may try, I can not beat my master – Mr Steve Jobs. Listen him here

A definite goal to reach

Okay, that you have fixed six hours as your target. But that alone might not be enough to keep you motivated throughout the day. You need to set physical goals to achieve, to make the most of your day.

Short term goals

    • To finish all the homework

    • To master ten dance steps a day

    • To practice 1000 cricket shots a day

    • To learn 10 new food recipes a day

    • To finishing reading a particular book

Long term goals

    • To become the best and most useful housewife ever

    • To construct most innovative building ever, as an engineer

    • To be the best and most productive manager in the office

    • To be the best student in the state

    • To be the best dancer ever

Materialistic goal

    • To own that dream house with a swimming pool

    • To drive that BMW

    • To become CEO

If you have these kind of goals, then there are chances of disappointment but it is better to aim at something, rather than wandering purposeless.

Idealistic goal

    • As a doctor, to spread health everywhere.

    • As an actor, to make sure that the audience have best relaxing and exciting entertainment, ever.

    • As a housewife, to be the most selfless and helpful member of the family.

These goals help to bring satisfaction in what you do, but still keep you hungry for more.


Fit body - The first prerequisite for you to sleep less and work more is maintaining a well nourished and fit body.

Try incorporating these nourishing food stuff in your diet – Milk, Ghee, raisins, amla (chyawanprash, amla juice), sugarcane juice, meat soup, cereals and pulses, protein rich diet, aloe vera juice.

Correct posture – Try to sit straight as far and as long as possible. It helps to improve concentration and keeps you alert.

Seating arrangement – Make sure that your seating arrangement is good enough to keep you free and relaxed while you concentrate on your work / study.

Lighting - Not too bright not too dark. Room – neat and tidy. A healthy environment will force you to be more productive and less sleepy.

Light but satisfied stomach – If the stomach is full, then it drives you sleepy, if it is empty, it will make you tired. Eating light food and keeping stomach light is basic need to control sleep.

Pranayama and Yoga - Prayer and meditation helps to keep your body and mind fit and focussed.

Coffee / tea - See if a little cup of coffee can push you for half an hour more. Many can push sleep further with half a cup of tea or coffee at night.

Avoid these things that makes you sleep more

No aerated drinks, smoking, alcohol, no too heavy oily, too much non veg, too spicy food stuff. It helps to maintain good stomach health. Stomach health is critical for alertness and activeness.

No exercise in evening - being awake burns calories. Exercise in the morning is better than in evening. It makes you less tired. Read how.

Too bright computer screen - strained eyes will drive you straight to bed.

Avoid direct Sun – It strains the brain and mind. If you have to go out, consider wearing a hat or taking an umbrella with you.

Watching TV /Facebook for long hours – We are not talking here about sleeping less and wasting time all through the day, right?

Do not over exercise – If you are over exercising, and if it is causing excess tiredness, consider reducing the exercise time a bit.

Do not be lenient with your mind

When you try to drive your mind towards productivity and positivity, it drives you on the other direction. “Not today man, how about tomorrow?”

“Ah! I am too tired to continue more today.”

“Huff! I am working very hard now, need to slow down a bit”

But be little lenient with your body

Watch for these symptoms, if you have them, may be, you need to go a little easy. – Headache, dizziness, body pains, vomiting sensation, feeling drowsy all through the day, feeling heavy.

Your efforts to sleep less should not push the sleep to the next day.

A few more power tips

Try cold water bath

Cold water bath is stimulative and hot water bath is relaxing. However the decision on this issue is often person-specific. Read more

Organized mind and organized work

Try to organise the work and schedule it properly.

At every point of time in a day, you should be knowing what you will be doing for next 4 – 5 hours.

Do not over target your short term goals

Like, if you are aiming to read 1000 pages a day, you may fail repeatedly and this repeated failure may cause mental fatigue and force you to give up.

Get treatment for your illness

Make sure that your illness does not come in between you and power-packed, super-productive days.

Think about your competition

Whenever you feel drowsy and lazy, just think about your competitor (your colleague, classmate) burning the midnight oil while you are finding comfort with your pillow. That kind of jealousy is positive.

Relax a bit on Sunday

While you crush the six days, have a couple of relaxing hours on Sunday.

An oil massage at Sunday is quite necessary to keep your mind toned and relaxed.

In Ayurveda terms, restricting your sleep to wokr more tends to increase it Vata. And oil massage is best to balance Vata.

Wear lose cloth past office hours

Helps to keep the body relaxed while you concentrate on your work on evening hours.

Three home remedies to sleep less

Take a teaspoon of Triphala powder, add a little honey to it, make it a paste and swallow it with warm water. Do this morning or evening, only once a day for about 15 days.

Rose water – Whenever you feel strained eyes, like, after working for long at night, or coming home in afternoon, Dip two cotton swabs in rose water, close your eyes and keep the swabs over the lids. This helps in quick relaxation.

Lemon juice – More sour, less sweet, helps to keep you alert all through the day.

Power nap – There are certain section of people, and seasons, for whom, nap is must. A quick nap of 10 – 15 minutes, pre-fixed with an alarm clock recharges your engine. Read more about day sleep.

Pinch / punch yourself – Whenever you feel lazy, gently hurt yourself, or do 5 push ups. This helps to gush your brain with oxygen rich blood and keeps you awake.

All the above tips may not apply to you, pick the once that suits you, get rid of excess sleep hurdle and reach the pristine heights in whatever you do the best.

I Feel Lazy – How To Get Rid Of Laziness And Procrastination?

“I feel very lazy, I can’t do anything, I don’t want to do anything, I procrastinate too much. It is hurting my life big time. But I want to be active like successful people, I want to be free from this tangle. How to get rid of laziness and procrastination?” laziness at the outset, seems to origin from mental causes, but the cause may be physical as well. While this problem requires a lot of motivation, simple easy Ayurvedic home remedies will also prove handy to get rid of laziness. Let us find out.

Laziness and procrastination –

Laziness and procrastination are the major mental hurdles between you and success.

Laziness – “I have to do it, but I can’t, or may be I don’t want to do it”.

Procrastination – “I have to do it, I want to do it, let’s do it tomorrow”

Effect of laziness and procrastination:

    • Failure in professional life – ‘Don’t know when I will be completing the project, But if I wish, I can complete it this week.”

    • Failure in personal life - ” I should be visiting the dentist today. But let me go next week”

    • Failure in family life - “Since how many weeks, children want me to take them to that nearby new garden”

It is the feeling that we want to get rid off, but not today, tomorrow.

Causes and solutions for laziness and procrastination –

Laziness and procrastination arise both due to mental and physical reasons.

Tiredness leading to laziness - Tiredness can cause laziness. While you are feeling lazy, do a self check whether you are tired physically or mentally.

– If you think you are mentally tired,

    • Take up some hobby,

    • spice up your family life with a family tour or a surprise movie.

    • Try to mix up different types of work.

  • Organized mixing up of works leads to freshness in mind.

    • Sleep also helps to bring back freshness.

– If you think you are physically tired,

    • Take rest, sleep for at least 8 hours at night.

    • During your work, if physical tiredness comes in your way of marching forward, just a small 10 minutes nap works wonders.

    • Consult a doctor. You might have some hidden physical problem.

    • If you work for long hours continuously, you should consider day sleep as an option.

    • There are other reasons and solutions for physical tiredness.

Laziness hides in your body –

Most of the times, when you feel lazy, you can identify the focal point of laziness in your body.

Laziness in stomach – Sometimes, laziness can be felt in the stomach. Reasons for this is – ‘Ama’ and ‘Kapha imbalance’. Here the usual symptoms –

    • Thick white coating of stomach,

    • Feeling heaviness in stomach

    • Excessive salivation

    • Feeling bitter or sweetness in the stomach

    • No desire to take food.

    • Feeling like you are going to vomit anytime soon.

If your laziness is associated with the above symptoms, do the following -

    1. Do not eat till you feel lightness in the stomach.

    2. Stop eating food over undigested food.

    3. Keep a gap of minimum four hours between two eating schedules.

    4. Do not take sweet, milk, curds or oily food till abdominal lightness is restored.

    5. Drink a peg of ginger decoction / ginger tea, without milk.

    6. Triphala with honey remedy – If ginger is too spicy for you, take a table-spoon of Triphala powder mix it with honey to make a paste. lick it full. Drink a glass of warm water. This cleanses stomach and intestines.

    7. If you have accidentally heavy, high cholesterol diet, follow these tips – What to do after high cholesterol diet

    8. Watch what you eat at night

Laziness in body joints – If you are feeling lazy along with heaviness in joints, then ginger tea can of help or seek Ayurvedic help to get rid of this issue.

Laziness due to depression – If a bad feeling is hurting your work for long time, follow these tips to get rid of depression.

Laziness due to attitude –

    • Lack of motivation, lack of aim can cause laziness.

    • Lack of direction sometimes makes you feel to stop work. Imagine the result that you want to achieve precisely, then it becomes a lot easier.

    • Don’t let the confusions grow on you. DECIDE the exact date when you will go to dentist, when will you finish off that office project, when will you take your children to garden and when will you go for a family trip. DECIDE everything right now!

    • Read inspirational biographies of successful people

    • Keep your room and home neat and clean

    • Keep an inspirational photo in front of you. Make it your phone and computer desktop background.

    • Do not sleep without a plan for what you will do after getting up.

    • Do not sleep without knowing when you are going to get up.

    • Do not sleep without an alarm clock.

    • Do not eat without a proper plan. Do not eat till you really feel like eating.

    • Write down things to do and read it over and over again – at least two times a day.

    • Stop excessive sex, masturbation, smoking and alcohol.

    • Switch off TV and close that facebook tab in your PC. You might be wasting your time.

    • Replace oily food and sweets with fruit and vegetable salads

    • Do not over commit. Say no to things that are not-so-important things.

    • Start going to gym, yoga, dance class or your favorite sports. Being physically fit helps to be active and kick out laziness.

    • Try stand working