
Sesame Oil, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Mustard Oil – Comparison

In traditional Ayurvedic text books, we find a lot of medicated oils. All such herbal oils (Taila) are prepared with the base of sesame oil. Whenever oil (taila) is referred, in a Sanskrit verse of a formula, by default, sesame oil is taken. This is because, it is mentioned that, “Tailam yat Tilodbhavam” which means, Taila is one which is obtained from Sesame (Tila). However, Sarshapa taila (mustard oil), Eranda taila (Castor oil) and Narikela Taila (Coconut oil) also have huge therapeutic importance in Ayurveda.

Coconut oil- bad or good, benefits, Ayurvedic and contemporary views

Coconut oil is one of the most debated dietary substance for its benefits and hazards. Coconut oil is used in Indian customs since thousands of years. The Coconut oil is in use since the time of Sushruta Samhita, around 2000 years before. But recent Dietary guidelines for Americans categorizes coconut oil as a food to be avoided. In this light, a comprehensive all-inclusive discussion will be helpful to clear the air.

Coconut oil- Ayurveda details –

Coconut and coconut oils are widely used in Ayurveda, in the form of –

    • Food ingredient

    • For external application

    • For internal administration.

Sushruta has described Coconut oil health benefits as follows –

    • It is a natural coolant.

    • It takes relatively long time to undergo digestion.

    • Improves hair quality and strength. Promotes hair growth.

    • It is a natural aphrodisiac

    • Nourishes the under-nourished body tissues

    • Useful in the treatment of certain diseases like emaciation, debility, respiratory conditions, diabetes, urinary system disorders.

    • Coconut oil for skin: Quickens wound healing and helps in filling up of skin depression in wounds.

    • Calms Vata and Pitta, Supports Kapha.

There are a number of Ayurvedic herbal medicines with coconut oil as base, that are used predominantly externally and also internally for many health conditions.

Example: (Caution: Meant only for information. self medication is dangerous)

    • Asana Eladi Kera Tailam (Asana Eladi coconut oil) – useful in the treatment of skin diseases and disorders related to head and ear.

    • Chemparuthyadi Keratailam – useful in eczema, and pediatric conditions.

    • Dhurdhurapatradi Keratailam – Useful in dandruff, itching and eczema.

    • Eladi coconut oil – Useful in skin conditions.

    • Karpooradi coconut oil – pains, cramps, rheumatic joint complaints.

    • Kayyanyadi coconut oil – Used in the treatment of headache. improves quality of hair.

Contemporary views about coconut oil –

Different views regarding coconut oil –

    • Coconut oil is rich in saturated fatty acid, which is bad for heart and cholesterol. Coconut oil is considered under solid fats, and is advised to be replaced with oils wherever possible.

    • Coconut oil is a major source of Lauric acid, a fatty acid, which is claimed to benefit in dealing with viruses and bacteria causing diseases such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus.

    • Though coconut oil is rich in saturated fatty acid, there is structural difference. It is rich in medium size triglycerides.

    • Wikipedia enlists two clinical trials with coconut oil -

    • A single-blind randomized controlled trial on children with pneumonia at the Philippine Children’s Medical Center found that coconut oil accelerated the normalization of respiratory rate and resolution of crackles.

    • A randomized double-blind clinical trial with 40 women exhibiting obesity found that supplementation with coconut oil promoted a reduction in obesity without causing dyslipidemia.

Coconut oil is good or bad? Discussion and conclusion:

    • According to Ayurveda, coconut oil is nourishing in nature, when taken internally. Hence used in emaciation, debility etc.

    • Ayurveda also explains coconut oil’s benefits in respiratory condition, which is supported by the clinical trial proving its efficacy in Pneumonia in children.

    • Ayurveda hails external use of coconut oil to promote hair growth, wound healing, as natural coolant and in conditions like eczema.

    • Coconut oil is processed with medicinal herbs and used in many diseases.

    • Convincing research evidence is present to prove that coconut is not really the direct cause for obesity or high cholesterol. In Kerala, a southern state of India, coconut oil is used in almost all the dishes. (My favourite is Banana chips. Must admit, I love it.

Sesame oil home remedies:

1.Sesame oil mouth gargling helps to relieve the recurrent complaint of mouth ulcers.

2. Sesame oil is taken with a pinch of table salt and warmed slightly. This is applied to the joints once in two days. This prevents from the joint pain which is commonly manifested in late 50s.

Castor oil home remedies:

1. Daily application of castor oil to the sole, before going to bed improves the quality of sleep.

2. Calcified lime(dehydrated lime) is mixed with equal amount of castor oil and fine paste is made. Application of this over the abscess helps in early maturation of the abscesses.

Mustard oil home remedies:

1. Mustard oil is mixed with lemon juice and instilled to the lesions of kiolonychia (nail bed infections). 5-8 days application helps to relieve the pain effectively.

2. In case of severe headache, mustard oil is added with a pinch of salt and mixed well. 2 drops of this mixture is instilled to both the nostrils. This relieved the headache immediately.

Coconut oil home remedies:

1. Coconut oil is mixed with equal amount of lime water(supernatant liquid obtained on mixing 2 gram of calcified lime powder mixed with 480 ml of water.) and rubbed well.This becomes a liquid viscous oily emulsion. This is applied over the area of burn wounds. It helps to subside the burning sensation immediately.

2. Hibiscus flowers (white) are taken and cooked with coconut oil, till complete evaporation of moisture. This is applied to the scalp. This simple oil helps to arrest the hair fall and promotes thick and dense hair.

Article by Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD (Ayu) and Dr Hebbar

Sesame and Sesame Oil Benefits – Total Ayurveda Details

Sesame is one of the most widely used Ayurvedic medicines. If sesame seeds were not there, I would say, 40 % of Ayurvedic formulas would have been non-existent. Sesame is used in multiple dosage forms – powder, paste, oil, in the form of sesame recipes. The wonder herb is used in multiple ways through different routes of administration. Externally, internally, orally, over the eyes, nasally, rectally etc. It is high time that we explore the sesame benefits.

Sesame facts:

Botanical name: Sesamum indicum Linn. Ayurvedic Name: Tila.

Sesame synonyms: benne seed, til, sim sim, abongra, Hu ma, Zhi ma, Sesamzaad, Cham kkae,Sesamo, Shiro goma, Semilla de ajonjolí, Sesam, Sésamo, Sezam indyjski. Graines de sesame, Sésame blanc.

Indian Synonyms of sesame: Tila, Til, Ellu, Tara, Gumbulu etc.

Used parts:Sesame Seed, oil and whole plant. The whole plant is used in the preparation of special Ayurvedic medicine called Tila Kshara.

Sesame oil composition: Sesame is rich in Vitamin E. Hence acts as a natural anti oxidant. It also contains Vitamin K. Sesame contains magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin B6.

Sesame benefits:

Ayurveda details:

Master Charaka – Of all the varieties of oil, sesame oil is best for improving strength and imparting oiliness to the body. (Charaka sutrasthana 13th chapter).

Master Sushruta enlists Ayurvedic properties of Sesame with the following terms. All these terms can be attributed to sesame seed benefits or benefits of sesame oil. –

Dantya - Good for teeth. Hence sesame is used in three ways for good teeth.

    • Advised for chewing.

    • Its paste is kept at the place of tooth ache.

    • sesame oil is used for oil pulling.

In conditions like tingling of the teeth, weak teeth, and disease of the mouth caused by Vata imbalance, water mixed with sesame seed paste is held in the mouth for 3 – 5 minutes. It is called as Gandusha treatment. (Reference)

Pathya - One of the things to be taken regularly. Hence sesame oil is one of the widely used oil for cooking in the Indian household.

Agni janana – Improves digestive power.

Medha janana – Improves intelligence.

Vranashodhana – Cleanses wounds.

    • Sesame is made into the form of paste is traditionally applied over wounds for quick wound healing.

    • Sesame oil is used for oil pulling to heal mouth ulcers.

    • Sesame oil is processed with many herbs having wound healing property to prepare wound healing oils.

Twachya, Balya, Keshya – Improves the quality of skin and hair. Improves overall strength. If you ever wish to do a massage with some oil, please consider sesame oil. Sesame oil is used as the base for most of the herbal oils.

Sesame calms Vata and Kapha, slightly increases Pitta.

Sesame oil is an excellent laxative.

Sesame oil is an excellent skin moisturizer and skin softener.

Sesame oil is a safe oil for massage of babies and children. It helps to strengthen the bones, muscles and joints.

Sesame oil is used for massage, Shirodhara, etc procedures which help to calm the mind and induce deep relaxation and helps to have natural sleep and relieves headache.

Various uses of sesame –

    • Sesame oil is used in Ayurveda for food preparation, massage, oil pulling.

    • Sesame oil is used as a base to prepare many medicated oils which are used in panchakarma procedures like Basti.

    • Sesame paste is used for internal administration and also for application over wound.

    • Oil prepared with Sesame oil base is used for nasal installation, as ear drops etc.

    • Sesame seeds are used in various food recipes.

Ayurvedic medicines with Sesame oil as ingredient:

90 % of the herbal oils of Ayurveda are prepared with Sesame oil base.

Sesame oil is also used as ingredient in many herbal jams like Kalyanagulam

Benefits of sesame oil head massage:

One who applies sesame oil on his head regularly does not suffer from headache, baldness, graying of hair, nor do this hair fall. Strength of his head forehead is specially enhanced; his hair become black, long and deep-rooted; his sense organs work properly; the skin of his face becomes brightened; applying sesame oil on the head produces sound sleep and happiness. (reference)

A simple tip: If you use sesame oil for massage, better to follow it up with hot water bath. It helps to calm Vata, and also to get rid of oil from skin. The gap between the massage and bath can be half an hour to many hours. Longer the gap, better the effect.

Castor Oil Benefits, Research, Side Effects, How To Use, Dose

Castor oil is used both externally and internally in Ayurvedic treatment. Its usage in mentioned in a variety of disorders. It is also told as a rejuvenative and anti aging medicine. It is excellent in relieving Vata and Kapha disorders. It is also used in Panchakarma therapy.

    • )If coconut oil was really the cause for obesity, Kerala should have been the abode of obese people, which is not the case

    • Having said that, it is not advisable for people with obesity and high cholesterol to include coconut oil in the diet.

    • For preparing hair oils, no other base is as good as coconut oil.

    • Other uses of coconut oil are – skin moisturizer & softener.

    • For a normal healthy individual, coconut oil is very good to be included in regular diet, but in limited quantities.

    • Use it in limits and enjoy its benefits.

    • Note: I do not believe or endorse ‘thin’ and ‘non sticky’ coconut oil for hair. Natural form of coconut oil is the best form to apply to hair or to skin.

5 Vegetable Oils You Must Stop Using Now!

The consumption of processed seed and vegetable oils like soybean oil, sunflower oil, canola oil has increased dramatically in the past century. They were practically non-existent in our diets until the early 1900s. Unlike butter or coconut oil rich in Omega 3, these vegetable oils can’t be extracted just by pressing or separating naturally. Vegetable oils and margarine are over-recommended and referred to as ‘heart healthy oils’ and an alternative to butter, cheese and many other so called ‘artery clogging saturated fats.’

Recent research has however shown that vegetable oils may not be all that good as recommended and may cause more harm than good to your body.

Why Vegetable Oils are Harmful for You?

. Omega 6 found in vegetable oils can cause inflammation which has been found to be a key cause for various serious diseases including cardiovascular disease, arthritis, depression and cancer. In arterial cells, these mutations cause inflammation that can clog arteries. When these fats are incorporated into skin cells, their mutation causes skin cancer.

. The health benefits of Omega-3 fats are over-rated. In fact the ratio between Omega-3 and Omega-6 is what needs to be understood. The WHO recommended ratio for omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is about 4:1, with a maximum of 10:1. However, the average ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in Americans is between 10:1 to 25:1

. Essential fatty acids Omega-6:Omega-3 ratio may have been around 4:1 to 1:2 before 1922. Today, our ratio is as high as 16:1 on average, with great variation between individuals . These fatty acids tend to sit in the cell membranes, increasing harmful oxidation chain reactions. Excessive consumption of vegetable oils leads to actual structural changes within our fat stores and our cell membranes.

. Vegetable oils are extremely damaging to the reproductive system and the developing bodies of unborn babies and children. The reproductive system in both men and women are constantly producing and dividing new cells, thus increasing the potential for mutation and problems when these cells are made of the wrong kind of fats and oxidized. Having more Omega-6 fats in mothers milk is associated with altered immune function in young children.

. Excess consumption of vegetable oils also causes problems with hormone production, since hormones are dependent on certain fats for their manufacture. Vegetable oils that are hardened by hydrogenation to make shortening or margarine are especially damaging as vegetable oils are not naturally solid at these temperatures.

. Vegetable oils are chemically unstable and readily react with oxygen, turning into cholesterol and saturated fat in our bodies.

. Vegetable oils when heated, turn into trans fats which have been shown to cause brain atrophy as well as heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes. Trans fats are also found in processed foods that say ‘hydrogenated’ or ‘partially hydrogenated’ on the label. Trans fat content in US vegetable oils varies between 0.56% and 4.2%. In 2012, they were banned in New York.

. Omega-6 toxicity begins at 4% intake. Currently we consume an average of 9% of our calories from these oils. So you need to cut back your intake by 60-70% to be in the healthy range of 2-3%.

. Most vegetable oils and their products contain BHA and BHT (Butylated Hydroxyanisole and Butylated Hydroxytoluene) which are artificial antioxidants that help prevent food from oxidizing or spoiling too quickly. These chemicals have been shown to produce potential cancer causing compounds in the body and linked to liver/kidney damage, immune problems, infertility/sterility, high cholesterol, and behavioral problems in children.

. Vegetable oils also contain residues of the pesticides and chemicals used in their growth and manufacture and most often come from genetically modified (GM) sources.

. Vegetable oils contain very high levels of polyunsaturated fats which easily go rancid at room temperature making it likely that a large part of vegetable oils on the market are already damaged, before we even consume them.

. Because vegetable oils oxidize easily, they deplete the body of antioxidants since the body must use these to attempt to neutralize the oxidation. People with high consumption of vegetable oils and their products are at risk for Vitamin E deficiency and other deficiencies.

. In studies on rats, a high consumption of these oils can cause fatty liver and severe liver damage. Several other animal studies also show an increase in cancer when rats eat a diet high in Omega-6 fats

Oils to Avoid:

1.Grape seed Oil

Constantly marketed as such a healthy cooking oil. The health of grape seed oil is based on misleading information and myths about cholesterol and heart health. Grapeseed oil has a very high omega-6 fatty acid, about 70%. Too much omega-6s PUFAs causes inflammation which is the true cause of heart disease and can lead to other health problems like cancer and autoimmune disorders.

It is also industrially processed with hexane and other toxic, carcinogenic solvents used to extract and clean the oil, traces of these chemicals still remain in the final product. Even expeller-pressed processed grape seed oil is still rife with polyunsaturated fat, in concentrations which are highly toxic to humans.

Oils that are high in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) like grape seed oil are very fragile and therefore prone to oxidation. When an oil oxidizes it creates free radicals which can also lead to cancer, inflammation, hormonal imbalance and thyroid damage. Even cold pressed grape seed oil may not be harmed during processing, but once you cook with it, it will oxidize.

2. Canola oil/Rapeseed oil

One of the most popular vegetable oils and is widely believed to be healthy. Canola stands for “Canadian oil low acid” and comes from a genetically engineered form of rapeseed subsidized by the Canadian government. About 87% of canola oil is genetically modified.

Rapeseed oil contains high amounts of the toxic erucic acid, which is poisonous to the body. Canola oil is an altered version, also called Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed (LEAR) Canola (modified rapeseed oil) is produced by heating the rapeseed and processing with a petroleum solvent to extract the oil. Then another process of heat and addition of acid is used to remove solids (wax) that occur during the first processing.

At this point, the newly created canola oil must be treated with more chemicals to improve color and separate the different parts of the oil. Finally, since the chemical process has created a harsh smelling oil, it must be chemically deodorized to be palatable. The fact that it is processed under high heat causes it to go rancid, which then creates the need for industrial carcinogenic bleaches and deodorizers like hexane.

Even though canola oil contains omega-3s, these oils are fragile and subject to oxidation through heating. If you think about it, other oils that are high in omega-3s would never be used for cooking. Fish oil and flax seed oil are high in omega-3s, but are never heated because they are sensitive to oxidation.

Cold-pressed oils that are not heat treated in a factory with chemicals are still fragile oils. They will oxidize and become rancid once you cook with them. Even canola oil, as it was used as rapeseed oil long ago in china, caused health problems mostly related to the heart. Other studies done on canola oil consumption in farm animals has shown a negative effect on coronary health unless mitigated by the intake of beneficial saturated fats.

3. Vegetable oil

Sounds nice and natural because it seems like it’s made of vegetables, but about 99% of the time a bottle of vegetable oil is actually just soybean oil. You can even look at the ingredients in a bottle of vegetable oil next time you go to the grocery store, you’ll see just one ingredient “soybean oil.”

Soybean oil is 54% omega-6, which is too much omega-6 and can lead to inflammation and health issues. Soy is something that is best avoided or at least reduced in consumption unless it is fermented (like tempeh, natto or fermented soy sauce). Soy is high in phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors which means that it blocks the absorption of many vitamins, minerals and proteins. It also contains phytoestrogens that can mimic estrogen in the body and disrupt normal hormone function which could possibly lead to increased cancer risk.

About 94% of soy is GMO unless it’s organic or labelled non-gmo. However, just because it’s non-GMO it doesn’t makes it good for you. It will still contain the phytic acid and phytoestrogens mentioned previously.

4. Vegan Butter Substitutes:

Butter substitutes are mostly a mix of canola and soybean oils.

5. Corn Oil:

There is a popular misconception that corn is a vegetable. It is actually a grain. Corn originated and was bred from a tall grass-like plant that somewhat resembled wheat. Corn oil has 58% omega-6 fatty acids which is too high and can lead to inflammation. Also, corn is one of the most genetically modified crops in the US. About 88% (probably more) is GMO.


There is no nutritional need for these oils and healthy fats can be found in higher amounts and better ratios in many other types of fats. While it is simple enough to avoid these oils themselves, the tougher challenge is avoiding all the foods they are in. Check out any processed food, and you will find at least one of these ingredients, often labeled as “partially hydrogenated corn/soybean/etc. oil” or “May contain soybean or canola oil.”

In a world that seems overrun with these highly unnatural and toxic fats, it can seem overwhelming when looking for better solutions.It’s hard to avoid rancid vegetable oils completely if you are eating out, but you can replace them with healthier alternatives like coconut oil or olive oil.

Castor oil is best oil for purgation – Virechana Panchakarma treatment.

It is is pungent in taste, hot in potency and is heavy to digest.

It is bitter and sweet in taste.

It is hot in nature, has the capability to enter minute channels of the body.

Effect on Tridosha:

Castor oil balances Vata and Kapha Dosha. But when mixed and processed with herbs possessing astringent, sweet and bitter tastes, it alleviates pitta as well.

Sanskrit synonyms:

Eranda taila, Gandharvahasta taila.

Medicinal qualities:

Taste – Madhuram – sweet, Kashaya Anurasa – astringent sub-taste, Satikta, Katu – bitter and pungent sub-taste

Vipaka – undergoes sweet taste conversion after digestion.

Ushna – hot in potency.

Teekshna – piercing into minute body channels

Sookshma – minute

Picchila – sticky

Guru – heavy to digest

Sara – smooth mobility

Castor oil health benefits:

Sroto Vishodhana – cleanses body channels

Tvachya – improves skin qualities

Vrushya – aphrodisiac

Vaya sthapana – anti aging, rejuvenative

Yoni Vishodhana – useful in cleansing vagina

Shukra Vishodhana – useful in cleansing semen, to improve motility and to treat sperm defects.

Arogyakara – improves health

Medhakara – improves intelligence

Kantikara – improves skin glow

Smrutikara – improves memory

Balakara – improves immunity

Adhobhaga Doshahara – expels vitiated Doshas from lower part of the body (Virechna)

Deepana – improves digestion strength

Vishamajwara – useful in intermittent fever

Hrudroga – cardiac disorder

prushta shoola, guhya shoola – useful in low backache

Vatodara – useful in gas, bloating

Gulma – abdominal tumor

Anaha – gaseous distension of abdomen

Ashtila – prostitis

Katigraha – low back stiffness

Vatashonita – gout

Vid bandha – constipation

Bradhna – prolapsed rectum

Shotha – swelling, inflammatory conditions

Ama Vidradhi – initial stages of abscess, where pus is yet to be formed.

Amavata – rheumatoid arthritis

FDA has recognized castor oil as – generally regarded as safe and effective.

Internal administration:

It acts as tonic , laxative, Rejuvenator.

It is also useful in relieving worm infestation, Abdominal colic, intermittent fever, skin diseases, Rheumatoid arthritis, hemorrhoids with hard stool problem and constipation.

Upon external application,

Castor oil helps to improve blood circulation, to increase body warmth.

It also helps to relieve pain and stiffness in joints. Hence, it is often used as the oil of preference for massage in case of rheumatoid arthritis.

In cases of prolapsed uterus and rectum, castor oil is heated, then allowed to cool down, then it is applied to the prolapsed part, the part is placed in its normal position and bandaged.

Virechana – Purgation treatment:

Purgation treatment is of two types. – Snigdha – oily and Rooksha dry.

In case of Snigdha Virechana (oil purgation), in Pitta disorders involving Vata, such as gout, skin disorders with scaling, redness, burning sesnation and dryness, in case of rheumatoid arthritis, castor oil is the preferred choice.

Here, the patient is first administered with spices to improve digestion, for three days, then made to take medicated ghee orally for 3 – 7 days, then massage and sweating treatment is done for 2 – 3 days, then castor oil is given in high dose to induce loose stools. This helps to expel imbalanced Pitta Dosha out of the body.

Side effects and contra indications:

Because of its purgative nature, castor oil is contra indicated in Diarrhoea, Ameobic dysentery.

Other common side effects with castor oil are – stomach cramping, nausea, vomiting, dizziness.

It is contra indicated during pregnancy and can be used under strict medical supervision during lactation period, and in children.

Home remedies using castor oil:

For rheumatoid arthritis patients with constipation,castor oil home remedy with Haritaki is very effective.

Dose of castor oil:

The dose depends upon the severity of disease, patients gut health and age.

For the purpose of regular treatment (not Panchakarma), the dose is – half to one teaspoon – 2.5 – 5 ml, once a day.

For children, maximum advised dose per day is usually 2.5 ml.

How to use?

For regular use, castor oil can be consumed readily. For those who find its odor as offensive, castor oil capsules are also available. The dose of such capsule is 1 – 2 capsule once or twice per day.

For the purpose of purgation (Virechana treatment), Castor oil is administered in a dose ranging between 30 – 120 ml, based on doctor’s discretion. But such a high dose, without medical supervision will be very dangerous.

How long to use?

In a very minimal dose, it can be used for a period of 7 days. If you wish to continue for more than a week time, better to have a word with your doctor.

Time of castor oil intake:

Usually castor oil is administered on empty stomach, that is – half an hour before food or 2 hours after food

Castor oil for body massage:

Whenever there is pain associated with stiffness, castor oil is preferred. It can be used as a daily massage oil.

Castor oil for hair:

It can be applied 30 minutes to 1 hour before hair wash / shower. After application, it is washed off with herbal hair powder mix or with a mild herbal shampoo.

Research on castor oil:

Transdermal absorption (absorption through skin)

HPLC studies

Supressive effect on some tumors

Ayurvedic medicines with castor oil ingredient:

Gandharvahastadi tailaUsed in abscess, splenic disorders, Abdominal bloating, Oedema and inflammatory conditions of abdomen and ascites.

Brihat Saindhavadi TailaSaindhava means rock salt. Wherever there is stiffness, usually rock salt is used for external application. Castor oil also does the same job of relieving stiffness, hence this combination. – It is used in low back ache, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, abdominal colic, Ankylosing spondylosis and such other musculo-skeletal diseases.

Hingu Triguna TailaIt is used to treat bloating, acid peptic diseases and ascites.

Vatari ras - used in the treatment of neuritis, arthritis, neuralgia, paralysis, facial palsy, spondylosis, gout.

Kalyana Ksharafor hemorrhoids, constipation, bloating, difficulty in urination, cough, asthma.

Amavatari rasused in rheumatoid arthritis and osteo-arthritis

Simhanada Gugguluused in skin condition, abscess, gout, respiratory condition, abdominal colic, anemia.

Interestingly, castor oil is also added in many allopathic medicines such as Miconazole, Tacrolimus, Xenaderm ointment, Paclitaxel etc.

How To Do Oil Pulling In Genuine Ayurvedic Way? 9 Tips

The title says as oil pulling but it is actually a procedure called mouth gargling using oil. Not only oil, but many types of liquids can be used for this purpose based on desired benefits. Let us look into these liquids, procedure of oil pulling, its different benefits, etc in a detailed way.

Ayurveda explains two types of similar procedures.

Gandusha – let us call this as oil pulling. (though other liquids than oils are also used). Here, there is no gargling. The liquid is filled to the capacity of mouth and it is held inside the mouth for specific amount of time. Later, it is spit out.

Kavala – It is actually mouth gargling. Here, lesser quantity of liquid is used to rinse mouth for specific amount of time. Later, it is spit out.

Types of Oil pulling -

Lubricating with oils and fats – for Vata imbalance disorder. It is done by the use of oil processed with herbs of sweet, sour and salt tastes.

Palliative for Pitta imbalance disorder. It is done by herbs of bitter, astringent and sweet tastes.

Cleansing / purifying – for Kapha imbalance disorder. It is with herbs of bitter, pungent, sour, salt tastes and possessing hot property.

Healing – It is done with herbs of astringent and bitter taste.

Different liquids used in oil pulling –

Fats – oil, ghee milk,

Honey with water

Fermented gruel,


juice of meat / meat soup

urine of animals such as cow urine.

Dhanyamla – Fermented grain liquid

The liquids may be mixed with a kalka (herbal paste)

The liquids may be cooked or raw

The liquids should be comfortable to touch and to hold in the mouth.

A few practical examples –

Sesame seed paste with water – A tablespoon of sesame seed is made into paste. Add this to a cup of luke warm water. Use this mix to gargle. It is useful in relieving tingling sensation in teeth, tooth weakness, disease of the mouth caused by Vata (which involves pain as a symptom).

For daily use, oil pulling withsesame oil / meat soup

Benefits of oil pulling with sesame oil, daily: Sesame oil gargling is beneficial for the strength of jaws, depth of voice, flabbiness of face, excellent gustatory sensation and good taste for food. One will never get dryness of throat, nor does his lips ever get cracked; his teeth will never develop caries and will be deep-rooted; he will not have any toothache nor will his teeth set on edge by sour intake; his teeth can chew even the hardest eatables Reference: (Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 5)

Ghee and milk is very useful for oil pulling When there is local or general burning sensation, ulceration and wounds caused by foreign bodies, poison wounds, alkalies (Kshara) and burns by fire, it is best to hold either ghee or milk.

Honey - Holding honey in the mouth removes the sliminess of the mouth, heals the ulcers quickly, relieves burning sensation and thirst. It is also useful in quick healing of oral ulcers.

Holding Dhanyamla – fermented grain liquid in the mouth removes distaste, dirt (of teeth and tongue) and bad smell from the mouth.

Dhanyamla without salt, used cold, is best to remove dryness of the mouth.

Holding Ksharambu – water containing alkalies (like Yavakshara) in the mouth quickly breaks up the accumulation of Kapha.

Holding comfortable warm water brings about lightness and cleansing of the mouth.

How to do oil pulling methodically –

The person should sit in a place devoid of breeze but in mild sunlight.

His shoulders and neck should be massaged with plain sesame oil / Maha Narayana Taila / Bala Ashwagandhadi Taila / Ksheerabala taila. massage can be given for 5 – 10 minutes.

After gentle massage, fomentation is given for 2 – 3 minutes. It can be just washing face and neck with hot water, or mopping face with towel dipped in hot water or exposing the face to steam. Eyes should be covered with cold cloth, during fomentation.

After fomentation, oil pulling is done.

Keeping his face slightly lifted up, he should hold the liquid in his mouth till the mouth gets filled with Kapha (sputum / slimy liquid) or till the nose and eyes start secreting liquid.

Then the contents of the mouth are spitted out.

After this usually herbal smoking is done

Kavala – mouth gargles –

It is used in treating

Diseases of the neck, head, ears, mouth and eyes,

Praseka – excess salivation, diseases of the throat,

dryness of the mouth, nausea,

Tandra – stupor,

Aruchi – anorexia and

Peenasa – rhinitis are curable by Kavala – mouth gargles