
Castor oil is great for thickening and regrowing hair, eyelashes and eyebrows

Castor oil is often overlooked for its benefits for the skin and hair because of its extremely thick and sticky consistency. However, if you’re looking for a cheap, natural remedy for several common skin and hair complaints, then castor oil is definitely worth your time.

Castor oil for regrowing and thickening hair, eyelashes and eyebrows

I first stumbled on castor oil as a remedy for regrowing thin eyebrows. I had over-plucked my brows back in the nineties when it was the hip thing to have pencil thin brows, and they never did quite recover. It became necessary for me to pencil in the “bald” spots and I missed the natural look of real hair where these spots were missing.

I read about castor oil as a remedy for thinning brows and hair, and thought I’d try it. I bought a hexane free, organic and cold pressed castor oil and started applying it to my eyebrows every night after washing my face. After about three months, I noticed my brows were noticeably thicker (and they seemed to be growing in darker as well), and attributed it to the nightly application of castor oil.

I’m not the only one that this has worked for. So, why would castor oil help you regrow hair – both on your head and the other two important places, the eyebrows and the eyelashes.

Castor oil is high in ricinoleic acid. This acid is a very effective natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent. This can help keep any fungus or bacteria from inhibiting hair growth. Since the oil is also very thick, it may help to prevent hair loss simply by helping to coat the hair and protect it from falling out.

Castor oil is also high in omega 9 fatty acids, which are nourishing to both the hair and the follicle, as well as the surrounding skin. Castor oil has a unique ability to be deeply penetrating, and this helps it to deliver its nourishment deeply into the pores and the follicles that produce hair.

It also has a high gloss, so it lends a lush glossiness and shine to the hair. A little goes a long way, and it is best to only add a tiny bit to the very ends of your hair instead of putting it up near the scalp if you’re just looking for a natural hair smoother.

Simply put about two drops on your hands and rub, then smooth through the ends. If you use too much, there is a fine line between subtle shine and a heavy greasiness so go very light until you figure out the amount that works right for your hair type.

If you’re looking to regrow the hair on your head, you can use castor oil as a scalp treatment. However it can be tricky to get on the scalp without thinning it out with a lighter oil. You can add some melted coconut oil, apricot kernel oil or another lighter oil to help get it spreadable enough.

If you’re simply looking to help thicken hair that is thinning at the edges of your hairline, you can use pure castor oil, with a light hand of course. Another use is to apply the oil to eyelashes to help thicken and strengthen them, as well as to help prevent thinning and shedding.

Castor oil for scar tissue reduction and shiny, smooth lips

Many attest to the wonders castor oil offers for keloid types of scars and other scars that involve a lot of hardened scar tissue. This is presumably due to its ability for deep penetration through multiple skin layers.

Because castor oil softens the skin so much, the thought is that this softening helps to break down deep scar tissue so it may be smoothed out. In addition, castor oil has shown promise as a white blood cell stimulating agent. Studies have also shown that castor bean oil helps reduce the inflammatory response in subcutaneous tissue. This may be why it seems to speed wound healing, and may also contribute to its ability to reduce scarring more quickly.

Castor oil is also excellent for the lips. Our lips needs constant protection against the elements. Although our lips regenerate and recover quickly, they also dry out and begin to peel when they are dehydrated.

Castor oil not only smooths the lips with fatty acids, but it also helps protect them due to its naturally thick and immovable nature. In other words, it doesn’t budge without being wiped off. It also imparts a natural shine to the lips, which makes it ideal for both improving the appearance and health of the lips.

Danna Norek is the founder of, which offers a line of natural body, skin and hair care products. The Herb Mint Citrus lip balm uses castor oil as one of the primary ingredients to add shine, moisture and protection to the lips (all naturally flavored). Line also includes a Natural Shine Enhancing Shampoo (sulfate free), Deep Hydration Conditioner, natural deodorant and a popular MSM and Vitamin C Face Cream.


Nutrition is one of the major factors deciding the health and growth of hair. Amino acids and B complex vitamins are among the primary nutrients required by hair.

Proteins constitute the major part of in the composition of hair. Therefore, the first thing that you should do is increase your consumption of proteins. They are present in ample proportions in the foods as fish, beans yogurt and beans. It has been found that the proteins, which are obtained from yeast, wheat germ, calves liver, are the best for hair. In addition, nutritionists suggest the consumption of two tablespoons granulated lecithin for those who have hair growth problems.

On the other hand, vitamins are very important for maintenance of the health of hair. Vitamin B complex group as beta-carotene, b-6, Inositol folic acid biotin etc. are among the important ones. In addition to this, minerals as magnesium, sulfur, zinc and silica as well are crucial for hair growth. Therefore, increasing their intake as well is important. For this, you can consume the green leafy as well as yellow colored vegetables and fruits.

Few things to take care

  • Stop using fine-tooth combs, as these will always have a tendency to entangle your hair and break it prematurely. Try to use wide-tooth combs that will not pull unnecessarily at your hair.

  • Do not comb your hair when it’s wet.

  • A weekly massage of the scalp with warm lavender oil at night will encourage your hair to grow easily and well.

  • Always use mild shampoo to wash your hair.

  • Drink plenty of water and sleep for 8 - 9 hours a day, since hair grows when a person is resting. Exercising daily will also improve the blood circulation and help your hair grow quickly. Hair grows faster when there is less stress.

  • Trim your hair often, at least once in 5-6 weeks, so that split ends and dry hair are removed. Hair stops growing at the split ends.

Some Natural Home Remedies

  • Onion juice is an excellent way to maintain the health of your hair. You can apply this to the scalp. It will also encourage new hair growth.

  • Conditioning your hair with henna, or mehendi is a very effective way to add strength to your hair. Prepare a conditioner with a cup of henna powder, the yolk of one egg and enough coconut milk to get a paste-like consistency. Apply this to your hair and leave it for about four hours.

  • Cut a red onion in half, add four cloves of garlic and two cinnamon sticks. Put everything in a pot and bring to a boil for 15 minutes. Rinse hair with this infusion for four days in a row.

  • Grapeseed oil is believed to enhance hair growth. Give your scalp a massage using this oil before bedtime.

  • Cut three aloe vera leaves and scrape off the gel. Mix the gel with honey, and apply it to the scalp. Let it work for 20 minutes and rinse.

  • When cooking potatoes do not throw away the water. Let it cool, and rinse your hair with it. This rinse accelerates hair growth.

  • 1 tablespoon of wheat germ, 1 tablespoon of brewer’s yeast, 1 tablespoon soy lecithin, 1 tablespoon honey, and one cup of yogurt. Combine all ingredients in the yogurt and eat it every day before breakfast. In one week you will see results; a hair full of strength and growing faster.

  • 1 egg, 1 trickle of olive oil, 2 tablespoons honey. Apply to the scalp with a vigorous massage. Cover the head with a towel for 30 minutes. Wash normally.

  • A daily rinse with rosemary water will make hair grow faster.

  • Grind some curry leaves and grated amla. Heat coconut oil in heavy based vessel, add the mixture into that oil.leave it for ten minutes and switch off the stove. filter it and apply regularly. It really works .

  • Hot oil massages improve the circulation of blood in the scalp and make your hair grow faster. Coconut oil should be applied to the hair for at least an hour so that it is absorbed properly and then washed off. Castor oil can also be used.

10 Superfoods To Prevent Hair Loss

Good nutrition is extremely important to enjoy healthy hair growth and it is one of the first things that you should work on when suffering from hair loss, excessive hair damage or slow hair growth. Hair is a fast-growing tissue and what you are eating can make a lot of difference on how your hair grows.For healthy hair growth, a variety of nutrients are required such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Niacin, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Iron, Zinc, Protein, Essential Fatty Acids, Silica, Sulphur and Germanium.

Often people spend a huge amount of money on hair care products to solve the problem of hair loss. But the best way to prevent hair loss and to improve the appearance of your hair is to keep a close eye on what you are eating. There are certain superfoods that can help to promote hair growth and solve the problem of hair loss.

Here are top 10 superfoods to prevent Hair Loss.

1. Spinach

Spinach contains a good amount of nutrients and antioxidants. This green leafy vegetable is a good source of vitamins B, C, and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids that are required for healthy hair growth. The nutritional profile of spinach makes it an excellent superfood for anyone longing for lovely locks. At the same time spinach tastes good and most people like it. You can drink a glass of spinach juice, try spinach soup, make a plate of spinach salad or make a dish with spinach. Along with spinach, you must also eat other green vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and Swiss chard to prevent hair loss.

2. Egg

Protein is a primary constituent of hair and hence you need to eat protein based foods such as egg. Egg is a good source of protein, along with biotin and B vitamins, which help in controlling hair loss problem. The protein present in egg is considered high quality protein and is excellent for hair growth and hair strength. It is better to eat both the egg white and yolk, but those who do not like the taste of yolk can eat egg whites only to enjoy proper hair growth. Try to eat one egg daily or every alternate day. You can eat scrambled egg, fried egg or simply boiled egg for healthy hair depending upon how you like it.

3. Beans

Beans are a great low calorie source of protein, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc and minerals which are essential for hair growth. Beans also contain good amount of iron, which is necessary to prevent hair loss. Your diet plan must include different types of fresh or dried beans to give your hair the much needed nutrients for better hair growth. There are different types of beans such as kidney beans, black beans, navy beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, soybeans and so on. Beans can be added to salads, casseroles, and side dishes. Beans can also be pureed into dips and spreads.

4. Nuts

Nuts contain a wide variety of protein, vitamins, minerals, iron, zinc, healthy fats and phytochemicals that are essential for solving the problem of hair loss as well as dull hair. In fact, regular intake of nuts will keep your hair healthy for years. There are different types of nuts such as almonds, peanuts, walnuts and cashew nuts that you can include in your diet. There is no need to eat huge amount of nuts to enjoy proper hair growth. You can simply eat a handful of soaked nuts or add some in your salad, pasta, or dessert. You can also use nuts as a snack.

5. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds contain plenty of hair loss preventing nutrients including protein, zinc, selenium, biotin, potassium, copper, iron, B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium and calcium. They are also high in omega-6 fatty acids. When it comes to sunflower seeds there is no need to eat it in excess as too much consumption of sunflower seeds can even lead to hair loss. You can eat a handful of raw sunflower seeds to encourage healthy hair growth. Else you can sprinkle some of the sunflower seeds on salads and steamed vegetables. You can even mix sunflower seeds into anything that you wish to bake.

6. Salmon

Salmon is a kind of fatty fish that is good for your brain, your blood vessels, your skin and also your hair. Salmon is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids that promotes hair growth. It also contains a good amount of protein along with B vitamins, including B12, and other vitamins and minerals. All these nutrients are essential to enjoy proper hair growth and to solve problems like dry hair, excessive hair loss and so on. To prevent hair loss, it is essential to eat salmon at least twice a week in order to reap the benefits. You can eat grilled salmon, smoked salmon or freshly baked salmon dish at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Apart from salmon, other fatty fish that you can eat to prevent hair loss are herring, sardines, trout and mackerel.

7. Beef

Body needs protein in order to produce quality hair and lean beef is a great way to give your body the protein it needs. Beef contains a good amount of protein along with B vitamins, iron, and zinc. Beef can be consumed twice or thrice a week for optimal hair growth provided you do not have the problem of high cholesterol level. For better result, try to eat fresh beef instead of the packaged version. You can eat beef in different forms such as soup, salad or as a main dish. If you do not like the taste of beef, then you can opt for other lean meats such as bison, pork and lamb to encourage hair growth.

8. Oat

Oat gives your body a good amount of B vitamins, zinc, protein and copper, which are some of the most important micronutrients for preventing hair loss. It also contains important minerals for hair growth such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium and iron. Your body can be benefited from all these essential ingredients when oat is included in your diet plan. Eating a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is a great way to start a day. You can also try snacks made of oats. If you like to include oat in your salad then it is recommended to soak them for several hours to improve its nutritional value.

9. Carrots

Carrots are good for eye sight and can also be used to control hair loss. Carrots contain a good amount of beta-carotene, an important nutrient that promotes healthy hair. Also the Vitamin A present in carrots helps in producing healthy sebum for the scalp. Carrots can be taken in many forms; the best is of course in the form of juice which can be mixed with a pinch of lemon juice to make it taste better. A glass of carrot juice in the morning is a great way to start the day. You can also eat carrot as a fruit, or opt for steamed carrots or a make a healthy carrot soup.

10. Sweet Potatoes

You can easily prevent hair loss problem by regularly consuming sweet potatoes as these are packed with beta-carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A promotes the growth of healthy cells and tissues, including hair and the scalp. At the same time sweet potatoes also contain plenty of vitamin C, copper, iron and protein. You can eat boiled or baked sweet potatoes depending upon how you like it.

To conclude the superfoods listed above are not only bursting with nutrients that help strengthen hair follicles, but these superfoods also help to prevent hair loss. So, next time whenever you suffer from hair loss, just follow a diet rich in these superfoods. This will help to increase your hair growth rate.

Bhringaraja or Eclipta Alba

Ayurvedic Herbs For Promoting Hair GrowthBhringarajBhringaraja or Eclipta Alba is supposedly the best herb identified in ayurvedic science for the prevention of balding and premature graying. It is one of the best natural herbs for hair regrowth. A black dye which is extracted from Eclipta alba and is used for hair dyeing and tattooing purposes. Today, bhringaraj is used as a basic ingredient in various herbal shampoos promoting hair growth. One can also try the popular concoction of amla, bhringraj and brahmi oil for hair regrowth.

Amalaki or Embelica Officinalis

AmalakiAmalaki or Embelica Officinalis is a proven hair supplement for hair regrowth. TheEmbelica Officinalis fruit better known as amla, is first sun dried and then boiled in coconut oil upto the point where the solid fruit part gets charred. After cooling, this solution is used for massaging hair which helps promoting hair growth and preventing pre-mature graying. In fact, amalaki for hair is so curative that the amla fruit soaked water can be used as a conditioner for hair. Just rinse them with this water and you will surely get a beautiful shiny mane.


TriphalaTriphala refers to a combined mixture of three different herbs namely Haritaki also known as Terminalia Chebula, Amalaki also known as Embelica Officinalis and Vibhitaki also known as Terminalia Bellirica. This mixture called triphala if taken orally everyday, can effectively help in preventing hair loss. Also, it can be used by mixing it well in hot oil and then massaging scalp with it. Since triphala for hair is very effective, herbal shampoos and hair packs using triphala as a whole or either of the Terminalia Bellirica,Terminalia Chebula and Embelica Officinalis herb can be used for treating the issue of hair loss.

Algae Extract

Algae ExtractSeaweeds or sea vegetables have long known to have curative power as they contain high level of essential amino acid, minerals and vitamins. Out of thousands of different species found throughout the world’s oceans, about 400 species are used by people as medicine, health supplement, skin care, fertilizers etc. Some seaweeds such as Atlantic Kelp, Himanthalia Elongata are used as hair growth remedies. They act as anti-oxidant to reduce and heal damages to the scalp and hair and also provide rich source of essential building blocks (e.g. amino acid and vitamins) to help in growing new hair and adding the shine to the hair.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera for Healthy Hair

The gel that is taken from Aloe Vera plant is known for its ability to calm irritated skin and has the properties of anti-inflammatory and anitoxidant. When massage onto the scalp, the gel restores the PH balance of the hair and seals in the moisture content of the hair, making it an excellent hair conditioner. Beside protecting the scalp and hair, Aloe Vera also stimulates hair production and is used as a remedy against Alopecia.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is a very popular herbal remedy that is thought to help

Ginkgo Biloba

with many problems, among them improving the circulation of blood to the brain and skin. The majority of herbalists who prescribe this for loss of hair do so believing that the increase of blood to the brain and skin delivers more nutrients to the hair follicles and so promotes hair re-growth.

Green Tea (Camellia Sinesis)

Green tea is another popular herbal remedy as it is believed that the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase is inhibited by the catechins found in the green tea. Some herbalists claim that you will reduce the risk of male pattern type baldness if you drink several cups of green tea or take it in capsule form on a daily basis.

Panax Ginseng

Used in Asia for thousands of years, Ginseng’s well known benefits include promoting vascular circulation and regulating cellular metabolism. Used in shampoo or hair tonic, Ginseng helps to nourish and strengthen hair.

Panax Ginseng