Curd consumption at night? Can You Take Curd At Night?

Curd At Night – Ayurveda explains curd as having sour mixed sweet property and it increase Kapha dosha in the body. The mucus generation is also attributed to the effect of Kapha. During night period, there is natural predominance of Kapha in the body. So, curd consumption at night will further increase kapha leading to many complications.

This is quite similar to exposing yourself to hot Sun in the afternoon hours, which is not recommended, because, afternoon period is naturally Pitta predominant period and sun exposure also increases Pitta.

Qualities of curds according to Ayurveda:

curds benefits are explained as follows –

Amla paka rasam grahi guru ushnam dadhi vatajit |

meda shukra bala shleshma pitta rakta agni shopha krut ||

Curds is sour in taste, hot in potency, is heavy to digest (takes a longer period to undergo digestion). It increases fat, strength, kapha, pitta, digestive power.

Whenever there is swelling or inflammation, if curds is taken, it worsens the inflammation.

Note that these properties are attributed to sour curds.

Naivaadyaa nishi naivoshnam vasantha ushna sharatsu na |

Sour curd should not be consumed by making it hot (ushna).

Curds should not be consumed during night (nishi),

It should also not be consumed during spring and summer seasons.

However, sour curds mixed with soup of green gram, honey, ghee , sugar and amla is helpful in relieving Dysurea (difficulty in urination) and indigestion.


Try avoid consuming curd at night. because night is basically Kapha predominant period. thus consuming curd at night is best avoided according to Ayurveda.

If at all you are accustomed to take curd at night, I know that old habits die-hard. so, mix a small pinch of pepper powder to curds and consume. (do not add too much. it may cause burning sensation). You may also try adding fenugreek powder if you can tolerate a slight tinge of bitterness. (but this superb combination will relieve all kinds of stomach pain generated due to indigestion).

Mixing sugar and drinking curd at night is a strict no-no.

Buttermilk is best substitute to curds at night. Buttermilk clears the channel and chucks mucus secretion.

Curds recipe of Amla – Ayurvedic home remedy

Curds recipe of Amla has multiple benefits. The beauty of this curds and amla recipe is – it can be prepared within five minutes. Ayurvedic medicines not only always mean bitter Kashayams, or packed herbal supplements in tablet form. The real Ayurveda starts from your kitchen. Appropriate combination of herbal recipe can do wonders to your health and to your diseases.

What is amla? Amla in English is Indian gooseberry, is well-known for its richness in Vitamin C. Botanical name is Emblica officinalis (Linn.)Due to its richness in health benefiting active principles, it is widely used in Ayurvedic formulas such as Chyawanprash, Brahma Rasayana etc.

Curds recipe of Amla:

Ingredients of curds and Amla recipe.

    • Curds – 200 ml

    • Sliced Amla pieces – of one Amla (approx 10 grams)

    • Grated coconut – three table-spoon

    • Green chilly – three small.

    • Salt – according to taste

    • Cooking oil – Sunflower oil / coconut oil – two table spoons

    • mustard – half tea-spoon

    • red chilli – one

    • curry leaves – 5 – 6

Procedure of Curds and Amla recipe:

Part 1.

    • Take green chilli, Amla pieces and coconut in mixer and grind it to get a paste.

    • Add this paste to the curds.

    • Add salt according to taste.

Part 2.

    • Take the oil in a bowl.

    • Add red chili pieces, mustard. Heat in very mild heat.

    • Observe that the mustard starts cracking, then add curry leaves to it and add this mixture to the curds mixture that is kept ready in part 1.

    • Done.

This is the curds and Amla recipe.

Use it along with rice, idly, Dosa, Chapati, etc.

(See the pics below to understand better.)

Benefits of curds recipe: All the benefits of amla, benefits of curds, curry leaves etc are there in this Ayurvedic recipe, ready to benefit your health.


How to make buttermilk, types: Ayurvedic method

Buttermilk is one of the widely used food item. There are many variants of buttermilk with different health benefits. Here are the details about how to make buttermilk from milk.

Interesting things about buttermilk :

    • It is very easy to make at home.

    • If curds is ready, you can make it within five minutes.

    • It is said in Ayurveda – “Nector is for Gods and Goddesses, buttermilk is for human beings.”

How to make buttermilk from milk:

    • First you need to prepare curds from milk. Click to read How to make curds

    • Take 400 ml of curds. add 100 ml of water to it. churn the curds just for one to two minutes. You can churn it in a bottle / jar / mixer.

    • This 100:25 = curds:water ratio buttermilk is the most widely used type of buttermilk. There are a few other types of butter milk.

Types of buttermilk:

There are five types of making buttermilk

Full cream buttermilk: Curds is prepared from milk with cream. Such curd is churned without adding any water.

No cream buttermilk: Curds is prepared from milk devoid of cream. such curd is churned without adding any water.

Buttermilk: Prepared from the above-mentioned method.

Half water buttermilk: Take 100 ml curds add 50 ml of water and churn it to get half water buttermilk.

No fat buttermilk: Churn curds till it becomes butter. Remove butter. The remaining watery part is no fat buttermilk. It is also commonly used as buttermilk.

Each of these can be used interchangeably as buttermilk substitute to one another.


Curds benefits: Full Ayurvedic details

Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine explains curds benefits based on different types of curds. These types are explained as per the taste and method of production. If used wisely curds can be an excellent Ayurvedic home remedy for many health conditions.

General curd benefits:

Curd has

Amla rasa – sour taste

Amla paka – undergoes sour taste conversion after digestion

Grahi – absorbent, useful in diarrhoea,

Guru – heavy to digest

Ushna – hot in nature

Vatajit – balances Vata

Increases Meda (fat), Shukra (semen), Bala (strength), Kapha, Raktapitta (bleeding disorders), Agni (digestion strength) and shotha (inflammation).

Rochishnu – increases taste

Useful in

aruchau – useful in anorexia

Vishamajwara – chronic, recurrent fever

Peenasa – rhinitis

Mutrakruchra – dysuria

Grahani – malabsorption syndrome

Types of curds according to Ayurveda:

    • Thick curds (semi formed curds)

    • Sweet curds

    • Sweet-sour curds

    • Sour curds

    • Very sour curds.

The sweetness or the sourness of the curds depends on

    • How old is the curds – Older the curds, more the sourness.

    • Amount of curds added to the milk during making curds.

Chemically or microscopically there might not be much difference in these types of curds. But according to Ayurveda, different tastes have different effects over the body. Ayurveda considers the physical nature as well as the chemical nature of any food or herbs.

Curds benefits based on types:

  • Thick curds (semi formed curds): This type of curd is not fully formed and does not has any particular taste. It is not good for consumption. It causes Tridosha imbalance and ill-health.

Sweet curds: It is the sweet and thick curds. It increases body fat and Kapha Dosha. It calms Vata and Kapha. Useful in certain blood and Pitta related diseases. It is a natural aphrodisiac.

Sweet-sour curds: Its qualities are similar to that of sweet curds.

Sour curds:It increases digestive fire, hot in nature and increases Pitta and Kapha.

  • Very sour curds: It also increases digestive fire, hot in nature and increases Vata and Pitta. Overall, sweet curds is cold in nature and sour curds is hot in nature and improves appetite.

A few other types of curds and their benefits:

Curds prepared from goat’s milk is an excellent remedy to balance Tridosha. Used in respiratory conditions and to improve digestion.

Curds prepared from Buffalo milk takes a long time for digestion. Increases Kapha and calms Vata and Pitta. It is a natural aphrodisiac.

Curds prepared from fat-free milk is a natural coolant. Improves taste and digestive power. It is useful in digestive problems.

Curds mixed with sugar is an excellent thirst reliever. so also curds mixed with jaggery. It is also an aphrodisiac. It is good for those who wish to become fat.

Note: curds with sugar, on a daily basis is contra indicated, in healthy people for long term use.

In disease conditions involving excessive thirst, emaciated and persons seeking aphrodisiac treatment, curds with jaggery or sugar is indicated as part of the treatment.

Benefits of curds are innumerable if prepared and used wisely.

Interesting Ayurvedic facts about Curds:

Curds should not be heated. It loses its properties due to heating.

It is best to avoid curd in people with obesity, Kapha disorders, bleeding disorders and inflammatory conditions.

Curd consumption at night is not recommended.

Sour curds should be avoided if you have gastritis.

Buttermilk benefits – Ayurvedic explanation

Buttermilk is one of the widely used diet article, in Ayurvedic treatment. Buttermilk is called as Takra in Sanskrit. There is a simile given for buttermilk. Nector is for Gods and Goddesses, buttermilk is for human beings.

Butter milk benefits –

Ayurveda uses buttermilk both to maintain health and to treat diseases.

Butter milk is easy to digest, has astringent and sour tastes and is hot in nature.

Buttermilk improves digestion and mitigates kapha and vata.

In Ayurvedic treatment, it is useful in the treatment of inflammation, digestive disorders, gastro intestinal disorders, lack of appetite, spleen disorders and anemia.

Buttermilk is highly beneficial during winter, in indigestion and in Vata imbalance related disorders.

It is given in cases of excessive ghee consumption

Types of buttermilk and benefits

Full cream buttermilk: Full cream buttermilk added with sugar calms Vata and Pitta. Very nourishing in nature. It is similar to curds in qualities.

No cream buttermilk: It calms Kapha and Pitta. It is good for people with diabetes.

Buttermilk: Qualities are explained above.

Half water buttermilk: Improves strength and digestive power.

No fat buttermilk: Calms Pitta, natural coolant, relieves tiredness, calms Vata and Kapha.

According to Ayurveda, Curd at night is contra indicated. During night, curd is substituted with buttermilk.

So these are the buttermilk uses.

Buttermilk contra indication:

Since Buttermilk is hot in nature, it is to be avoided

– during summer,

– in persons with injury

– in debilitated persons

– person suffering from giddiness, and in diseases related to Pitta imbalance.

Ayurvedic reference on Buttermilk benefits:

Takram laghu Kashaya amlam deepanam kaphavatajit |

Shopha udara arsha grahani dosha mootragraha aruchihi |

pleeha gulma ghritavyapat gara paandu aamayaan jayet || – Ashtanga Hrudaya Sutra sthana – 5th chapter

Buttermilk home remedy for hemorrhoids

Ayurvedic medicines to be taken along with buttermilk

In following Ayurvedic medicines, buttermilk is advised as a co-drink.