
Suffering from a Cold or Flu?

The best way to fight a cold is to do (3) things straight away!

1. Take 4 times the recommended amount of your Plant food Enzymes twice daily

2. Take 4 times the recommended amount of your Probiotics twice daily

3. Drink this TONIC:

Juice the following (or blend if you don't have a juicer)


4 Lemons (peel if not organic ~ or don't have a juicer)

2 Limes (Peel if not organic ~ or don't have a juicer)

3 cloves Garlic (peel the garlic if you don't have a juicer)

1 inch Fresh Ginger Root (Peel the ginger if you don't have a juicer)

4 cups Parsley

2 Apples (or) 2 large Grapefruit. Peel! leave a lot of the white pith on the Grapefruits.

Makes 24 ounces

After you juice this tonic, add: 1 drop of Oregano Oil and 1 tablespoons of powdered Vitamin C (Ester C).