Vasaka – Malabar nut

Vasaka – Adhatoda vasica Uses, Side Effects, Research

Vasa – Adhatoda vasica / Malabar nut is one the powerful herbs used in treating asthma, bronchitis and excess mucous condition. This is so powerful an herb that there was an allopathic medicine syrup combination with Bromhexine and Vasa, marketed with the tag line – “With Vasaka effect”

But it was pulled out of the market by Indian FDA, because, no allopathic medicine can have an herb as an ingredient.

That is an altogether different story, whether FDA was right or not, but it clearly indicates the efficacy and fame of this wonder herb - Vasa – Malabar Nut.

Another interesting fact is that, it is coolant herb, but it is useful in respiratory tract conditions.

Botanical Name- Adhathoda vasica Nees. (Adhatoda zeylanica Medicus), Justicia adhatoda

Family – ACANTHACEAE (Vasa Kula)

Hindi Name- Adosa, Arusha, Rus, Bansa, Adusa

English Name- Malabar Nut

Telugu Name- Addasaramu, Adamkabu, Adampaka

Bengali Name- Adulsa, Bakash,Vasok

Punjabi Name-Vamsa, Bhekkar

Marathi Name- Adulsa

Gujarati Name- Araduso, Aradusī, Adulso, Aduraspee, Bansa

Tamil Name- Eidhadad, Adathodai

Nepali name - Asuro, Kalo vasak

Persian name - Bansa

Oriya name - Basanga

Marathi name – Adulsa, Adusa

Kannada name - Adusogae, Adu muttada soppu (the green veg that a goat never eats)

Sanskrit Synonyms

Vasa, Vasaka, Vasika - Vasayati Acchadayati – the herb which is thick and spreads its branches to create shade area

Simhi, Simhasya – the flower resembles the mouth of lion

Vajidanta – the flowers are as white as teeth of horse

Vrisha, Vrusha – Varshati Madhu – flowers attract bees

Atarusha, Atarooshaka

Bhishagatma – mother medicine

Classical Categorization

Charaka—Tikta Skandha – Bitter tasting group of herbs

Vagbhata- Durvadi Gana


Found throughout India, Usually grown on beside compounds

Adhatoda vasica chemical Constituents

Vasicine (peganine), Vasicinine, B- Sitosterol, Kaempferol, 3- Sophoroside, Luteolin, Tritriacontane, Adhatodic acid, Carotene, Vasakin, Vasicinol 1= q- Hydroxyvasicinine, Vasicinone, Vit –C, vasicol. Vasicinol, Vaicinolone, Adhatodine, Adhavasinone, Anisotine, Vasicolone, Vasicolinone etc.

(Reference: Illustrated Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. II, by Dr JLN Shastry)

Aff -

Malabar nut – Vasaka – Medicinal qualities:

Rasa (taste) – Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent)

Guna (qualities) – Laghu (light), Rooksha (dryness)

Vipaka – Katu – undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion

Veerya – Sheeta – cold potency

Karma- Balances Kapha and Pitta

Part Used- Leaf, Root, Flower, Whole plant

Vasaka Dose -

Leaf Juice – 10-20 ML; Root decoction 40-80 ml; flower juice- 10-20 ml

Malabar Nut – Adhatoda – uses

The flower -

Balances Kapha and Pitta.

It is bitter, coolant and pungent.

Kshaya – useful in chronic respiratory tract infections,

Kasa – useful in cold and cough.

It is useful to relieve burning urination

The whole plant -

Asrajit – useful in bleeding disorders, detoxifies blood

Kshaya – useful in chronic respiratory tract infections,

Kasa – useful in cold and cough.

Chardi – useful in vomiting

Kushta -useful in skin disorders

Jwara – useful in fever

Trut, Trushna – useful in excessive thirst

Hrudya – acts as cardiac tonic,

Svarya – good for throat

Shwasahara – useful in asthma, chronic bronchitits

Mehahara – Useful in urinary tract disorders, diabetes

Aruchi – useful in anorexia

Raktapitta - useful in bleeding disorders

Kaamala – useful in jaundice and liver disorders.

Of all the herbs useful in bleeding disorders, Vasa is the best.

Its leaves are made into paste and applied to relieve inflammation, pain, rheumatoid arthritis, worm infested wounds and skin disorders.

It acts as diuretic.

Side effects:

People with diabetes should use this medicine with care, because it helps to reduce blood sugar levels. Hence, the dose needs to be calibrated diligently.

It is safe to use in children above 1 year of age.

It is best avoided in pregnancy. Can be used in lactation, under medical supervision.


Antimicrobial activity against clinical pathogens

Anti ulcer activity

Hepato-protective activity

Anti oxidant and antimicrobial activity

Ayurvedic medicine with Vasaka as ingredient:

Vasarishta – used in cold, cough and asthma

Mathala rasayanam - indicated in almost all the conditions in which malabar nut is indicated.

Maha Vishagarbh Tail - Used in sciatica, stiffness and tetanus