Fresh Mint Frozen Yogurt


(Adapted from Sara Forte’s recipe in The Sprouted Kitchen)

Makes 8 servings

1 cup fresh mint leaves

1 cup heavy cream

1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons mild-flavored honey

1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract

2 cups whole-milk Greek yogurt (I used Fage Total.)

1. Coarsely chop the mint leaves. Add them to the cream in a saucepan. Bring just to a simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally and bruising the leaves against the side of the pan with a spoon to help them release their oils.

2. As soon as it begins to simmer, stir in the honey. Turn off the heat and let it sit for 30 minutes.

3. Strain the cream through a fine meshed sieve into a large bowl. (A larger bowl makes it easier to blend in the yogurt without spilling.)

4. Stir in the peppermint extract and the yogurt. Stir until it's well-combined. Cover and refrigerate overnight. (Sara says 30 minutes to overnight, but I know colder is better with my ice cream maker, so I refrigerated it overnight.)

5. Make the frozen yogurt in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It’s best if you freeze the finished frozen yogurt for about an hour before serving. (If it freezes too hard, let it sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes before serving.)