True Glory
Once I was wise in my own eyes
And I had all I needed
Always strong to carry on
With my own mind to lead me
But I was blind and I was weak
In darkness deep inside
Until your truth like sun broke through
My vain and foolish pride
So now I glory, glory
Only in that I know you
Knowing you alone are holy
Yet you know and love me too
Full of kindness, full of justice
Always doing what is right
You are all I ever needed
And you fill me full of light
Come and show me, show me
Show me how to live for you
In your mercy and forgiveness
Show me now what I should do
And I will glory, glory
As I understand your ways
Knowing you alone are holy
How I love to give you praise
I will seek you when the darkness
Falls upon my needy soul
For you know me so completely
And you want to make me whole
For you are holy, holy
And yet you consider me
I will fall upon your mercy
As your love falls over me
In you I glory, glory
Knowing you is my delight
I will glory that I know you
For you are the Lord of light
[But let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
For in these I delight,” says the LORD. Jeremiah 9:24]
Vic Lortz, 5/2003