
Look of Hope

I turn my eyes


Until you come

To rescue me

My eyes will turn to you

Until my heart does, too

My only hope

Is set on you

And only you

Can see me through

My heart is set on you

And I refuse to move

Until you tell me to

I choose to wait for you

I turn my eyes


Until you rise

To rescue me

I set my mind

On what you say

For you remain

The only way

Your will is my desire

Your word is like a fire

I cannot stop

Or hold it in

It's burning deep within

When mockers scoff

In ignorance

My spirit is in pain

To see your love

And precious blood

Be treated with disdain

So I will look

To you my king

My only hope

My everything

I owe my life

And loyalty

And every breath I breathe

To you who came

To be the hope

Of all who would believe

[As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master,

as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress,

so our eyes look to the LORD our God,

till he shows us his mercy. Psalm 123:2, NIV]

Vic Lortz, 5/2009

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