Hope in the Lord

You are my rock

You are my fortress

In times of shock

In times of distress

I love to find

Your lovingkindness

Whenever I

Remember I

Can trust your goodness

All you whose hope

Is in the Lord

Will come to know

That he is faithful

To reward

All that is lost

Will be restored

To those whose hope

Whose only hope

Is in the Lord

You are my rock

You are my fortress

You are my rock

I'm thankful for this

When I'm in shock

Your arms are open

To run inside

Be satisfied

Because you know me

All you whose hope

Is in the Lord

Will come to know

That he is faithful

To reward

All that is lost

Will be restored

To those whose hope

Whose only hope

Is in the Lord

[Psalm 31]

By Vic Lortz


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