Greater Love
Greater love
Is what I need
Greater love than this
And greater love has no man
For a woman than this
Although I need to lay it down
My life I want to hold on to
So I know what
I need to do
Let go
And turn around my heart and live
Greater love will come from this
When I surrender all my plans
And try to understand
The shifting of the wind
That blows so cold upon my skin
While I’m still waiting for a kiss
And greater love than this
And you,
You shiver in the cold,
Cold wind that numbs your soul
While we both wait
Unable to relate
For greater love than this
To overcome and overthrow
The strongholds,
Strangleholds around our souls
But I can feel the fire
Refining fire to purify desire
Despising all my pride
And laying down my life for you
And as I die
I come alive
To greater love than this
It’s what I need
The very air I breathe
Is given from above
And I can only give
What I receive:
Greater love
(Greater love has no one than this, than to
lay down one's life for his friends. John 15:13
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved
the church and gave Himself for her. Ephesians 5:25)
Vic Lortz, 12/2003