Ophélia Gestin




5, rue Taffanel

60550 Verneuil en Halatte, France

Work experience

April 2023
October 2024

Postdoctoral researcher at INERIS in human toxicokinetic modelling, aimed at studying the toxicokinetics of various contaminants throughout the human lifespan, as well as the transfer of contaminants from mother to child; carried out as part of various French and European projects (PARC, EFSA, Neurophyto).
Acquisition of skills in human toxicokinetic modelling and parameters research.
Verneuil-en-Halatte, France

October 2019
December 2022

PhD in aquatic toxicology - Organotropism, toxicokinetics and fate of trace metals in the freshwater sentinel species Gammarus fossarum.
Acquisition of skills in aquatic ecotoxicology, radio-ecotoxicology and toxicokinetic modelling.
LIENSs (UMR 7266) - LBBE (UMR 5558) - INRAE Lyon-Villeurbanne
Evolution, Ecosystems, Microbiology, Modelling (E2M2) school
University of Lyon, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Villeurbanne, France)

January 2019
June 2019

Internship at IFREMER: Methodological development to study copper bioaccumulation in marine phytoplankton and its potential for trophic transfer.
Nantes, France

April 2018
June 2018

Internship at MMS: Characterization of a new strain of cyanobacteria and observation of cadmium stress.
Acquisition of skills in genetics and aquatic ecotoxicology.
Le Mans, France

Other professional experience


Junior board member of SEFA (Society for Fundamental and Applied Ecotoxicology)


Educational assistant in middle school (day school) and high school (boarding school) - 18 hours per week


Occasional hostess missions for street marketing campaigns 

July 2016, 2017
and 2018

Hostess at the “Vieilles Charrues” Festival, Carhaix-Plouguer (France) 



PhD in aquatic toxicology - Organotropism, toxicokinetics and fate of trace metals in the freshwater sentinel species Gammarus fossarum.
Director:  O. Geffard (INRAE Lyon-Villeurbanne)
Co-directors: C. Lopes (LBBE, Lyon) and T. Lacoue-Labarthe (LIENSs, La Rochelle)
Evolution, Ecosystems, Microbiology, Modelling (E2M2) school - University of Lyon, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Villeurbanne, France)


Master’s degree in toxicology and ecotoxicology
University of Le Mans (Le Mans, France)


Bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences, majoring in Cell Biology and Physiology
University of Western Brittany (Brest, France)







Professional skills 

Modelling and statistics

Technical and analytical 

Language skills and software





Video conferencing software

Mother tongue

Scientific English (reading, writing, speaking)

R, Mendeley, iMovie, Microsoft Office, Open Office, Slack, InterWinner, Moodle, MCSim, FileZilla

Mac and Windows

BigBlueButton, Jitsi, Skype, Teams, Zoom

Teaching and student supervision






Gestin, O., Lacoue-Labarthe, T., Coquery, M., Delorme, N., Garnero, L., Dherret, L., Ciccia, T., Geffard, O., Lopes, C., 2021. One and multi-compartments toxico-kinetic modeling to understand metals organotropism and fate in Gammarus fossarum. Environment International 156, 106625. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2021.106625

Astuto M.C., Di Nicola M.R., Tarazona J.V., Devos Y., Liem A.K.D., Kass G.E.N., Bastaki M., Schoonjans R., Maggiore A., Charles S., Ratier A., Lopes C., Gestin O., Roncaglioni A., Robinson T., Carnesecchi E., Dorne J.L.C.M. (2021). In silico methods for Ecological risk assessment: principles, tiered approaches, applications and future perspectives. Book chapter. Methods in Molecular Biology. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-1960-5_23

Gestin, O., Lopes, C., Delorme, N., Garnero, L., Geffard, O., Lacoue-Labarthe, T. 2022. Organ-specific accumulation of cadmium and zinc in Gammarus fossarum exposed to environmentally relevant metal concentrations. Environ. Pollut. 308. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119625

Charles, S., Gestin, O., Bruset, J., Lamonica, D., Baudrot, V., Chaumot, A., Geffard, O., Lacoue-Labarthe, T., Lopes, C., 2022. Generic solving of physiologically-based kinetic models in support of next generation risk assessment due to chemicals. J. Explor. Res. Pharmacol. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.04.29.490045

Di Nicola, M. R., Cattaneo, I., Nathanail, A. V., Carnesecchi, E., Chiara Astuto, M., Steinbach, M. Williams, A. J., Charles, S., Gestin, O., Lopes, C., Lamonica D., Tarazona, J. V., 2022. The use of new approach methodologies for the environmental risk assessment of food and feed chemicals. Curr. Opin. Environ. Sci. Health. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coesh.2022.100416

Gestin, O., Lacoue-Labarthe, T., Delorme, N., Garnero, L., Geffard, O., Lopes, C., 2023. Influence of the exposure concentration of dissolved cadmium on its organotropism, toxicokinetic and fate in Gammarus fossarum. Environ. Int. 171. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2022.107673

Gestin, O., Lopes, C., Delorme, N., Garnero, L., Geffard, O., Lacoue-Labarthe, T., In prep. Accumulation efficiency of metals (Ag, Cd and Zn) from two type of food in Gammarus fossarum, soumis à Peer Community Journal - Ecotoxicology & Environmental Chemistry

Gestin, O., Lacoue-Labarthe, T., Delorme, N., Garnero, L., Geffard, O., Lopes, C., In prep. Comparison of the organotropism, toxico-cinétique and fate of cadmium between dissolved and trophic pathway in Gammarus fossarum, en préparation pour Environmental Science & Technology


Oral presentations

Gestin O., Lacoue-Labarthe T., Delorme N., Garnero L, Geffard O., Lopes C. (2022). Toxicokinetic modelling to understand the influence of exposure pathways on the distribution, toxicokinetic and fate of cadmium in the organs of Gammarus fossarum. Conférence Internationale des Sciences en Écologie, 21-25 Novembre 2022.

Gestin O., Lacoue-Labarthe T., Delorme N., Garnero L, Geffard O., Lopes C. (2022). Comparaison de l'organotropisme, de la toxico-cinétique et du devenir du cadmium (Cd) accumulé par voie dissoute ou trophique chez Gammarus fossarum. Réunion plénière du GDR Écotoxicologie Aquatique, 15-17 Novembre 2022.

Gestin O., Lacoue-Labarthe T., Delorme N., Garnero L, Geffard O., Lopes C. (2022). Comparaison de l'organotropisme, de la toxico-cinétique et du devenir du cadmium (Cd) accumulé par voie dissoute ou trophique chez Gammarus fossarum. Conférence de la Société Française d’Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (SEFA), 30 Juin-1er Juillet 2022.

Gestin O., Lacoue-Labarthe T., Geffard O., Lopes C. (2022). Comment la modélisation permet de comprendre les processus de bioaccumulation des métaux ? Journée DIPEE (Dispositif de Partenariat en Écologie et Environnement Nouvelle-Aquitaine - Centre-val-de-Loire) à l'Université de Poitiers, 2 Juin 2022.

Gestin O., Lopes C., Delorme N., Garnero L, Geffard O., Lacoue-Labarthe T. (2022). Organotropism, bioaccumulation and fate of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) in Gammarus fossarum after exposure to environmental concentrations. 32ème Conférence annuelle européenne de la SETAC, 15-19 Mai 2022.

Gestin O., Lopes C., Delorme N., Garnero L, Geffard O., Lacoue-Labarthe T. (2021). Effet de la concentration d'exposition en cadmium (Cd) sur son organotropisme, sa toxico-cinétique et son devenir chez Gammarus fossarum. Réunion plénière du GDR Écotoxicologie Aquatique, 23-25 Novembre 2021.

Gestin O., Lopes C., Bourlier V., Delorme N., Garnero L, Geffard O., Lacoue-Labarthe T. (2021). L'organotropisme des métaux chez Gammarus fossarum, à des concentrations environnementales : modélisation toxico-cinétique multi-compartiments. Conférence de la Société Française d’Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (SEFA) (virtual), 28-29 Juin 2021. (Winner of the “Prize for the best oral communication”, selected by the SEFA 2021 Scientific Council and awarded by the Rovaltain Foundation).

 Gestin O., Lopes C., Bourlier V., Delorme N., Garnero L, Geffard O., Lacoue-Labarthe T. (2021). La modélisation toxico-cinétique pour comprendre et formaliser le devenir de métaux au sein des organes d’un invertébré aquatique, Gammarus fossarum. Colloque conjoint (ECOTOQ, Chapitre Saint Laurent, ECOBIM, PURE) en écotoxicologie 2021 : Les enjeux de la contamination urbaine sur la santé environnementale (virtual), 31 Mai – 03 Juin 2021.

Gestin O., Lopes C., Bourlier V., Delorme N., Garnero L, Geffard O., Lacoue-Labarthe T. (2021). Accumulation, fate and effects of metals contaminants in the sentinel species Gammarus fossarum. 2ème édition de la Journée des thèse d'INRAE-Lyon Villeurbanne (virtual), 03-04 Mai 2021.

Gestin O., Lacoue-Labarthe T., Coquery M., Delorme N., Dherret L., Ciccia T., Geffard O., Lopes C. (2021). Use of one and multi-compartments toxico-kinetic modelling to understand Cd and Hg’s organotropism and fate in Gammarus fossarum. 31ème Conférence annuelle européenne de la SETAC (virtual), 03-06 Mai 2021.


Dussauçoy R., Gestin O., Billat P.-A., Piccini B., Hinfray N., Chadili E., Brion F., Beaudouin R. (2023). Améliorer l’évaluation des perturbateurs endocriniens agissant sur l’aromatase cérébrale grâce à la modélisation PBTK-TD chez l’embryon de poisson zèbre. Conférence de la Société Française d’Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (SEFA), 5-6 Juillet 2023.

Gestin O., Lacoue-Labarthe T., Delorme N., Garnero L, Geffard O., Lopes C.  (2022). Influence of the exposure concentration of dissolved cadmium on its organotropism, toxico-kinetics and fate in Gammarus fossarum. 32ème Conférence annuelle européenne de la SETAC, 15-19 Mai 2022.

Gestin O., Lopes C., Delorme N., Garnero L, Geffard O., Lacoue-Labarthe T. (2022). Assimilation efficiency of cadmium (Cd) and influence of the exposure pathways on its distribution, toxico-kinetic and fate in the organs of Gammarus fossarum. 32ème Conférence annuelle européenne de la SETAC, 15-19 Mai 2022.

Gestin O., Lopes C., Bourlier V., Delorme N., Garnero L, Geffard O., Lacoue-Labarthe T. (2021). One-compartment toxicokinetic models to predict metals organotropism in Gammarus fossarum, at environmental concentrations. 31ème Conférence annuelle européenne de la SETAC (virtual), 03-06 Mai 2021.

Science vulgarisation