Peer-reviewed articles

    1. Bessems JG, Loizou G, Krishnan K, Clewell HJ 3rd, Bernasconi C, Bois F, Coecke S, Collnot EM, Diembeck W, Farcal LR, Geraets L, Gundert-Remy U, Kramer N, Küsters G, Leite SB, Pelkonen OR, Schröder K, Testai E, Wilk-Zasadna I, Zaldívar-Comenges JM. 2014. PBTK modelling platforms and parameter estimation tools to enable animal-free risk assessment: Recommendations from a joint EPAA - EURL ECVAM ADME workshop. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 68, 119-139.

    2. Péry ARR, Devillers J, Brochot C, Mombelli E, Palluel O, Piccini B, Brion F, Beaudouin R. 2014. A physiologically based toxicokinetic model for the zebrafish Danio rerio. Environ Sci Technol 48, 781-90.

    3. Baudoin R, Legendre A, Jacques S, Cotton J, Bois F, Leclerc E. 2014. Evaluation of a liver microfluidic biochip to predict in vivo clearances of seven drugs in rats. J Pharm Sci. 103, 706-18.

    4. F. Lestremau, M.-E. Willemin, C. Chatellier, S. Desmots, C. Brochot. 2014. Determination of cis-permethrin, trans-permethrin and associated metabolites in rat blood and organs by gas chromatography–ion trap mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 406 (14), 3477-3487

    5. Souissi Y, Kinani S, Bouchonnet S, Bourcier S, Malosse C, Sablier M, Creusot N, Mombelli E, Aït-Aïssa S. 2014. Photolysis of estrone generates estrogenic photoproducts with higher activity than the parent compound. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21(13): 7818-7827

    6. Saxena A.K., Devillers J., Pery A., Beaudouin R., Balaramnavar V.M., Ahmed S. 2014. Modelling the binding affinity of steroids to zebrafish sex hormone-binding globulin. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 25 (5): p. 407-421

    7. Buisset-Goussen A., Goussen B., Della-Vedova C., Galas S., Adam-Guillermin C., Lecomte-Pradines C. Effects of chronic gamma irradiation: a multigenerational study using Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 137: 190–197

    8. Vrijheid M, Slama R, Robinson O, Chatzi L, Coen M, van den Hazel P, Thomsen C, Wright J, Athersuch TJ, Avellana N, Basagaña X, Brochot C, Bucchini L, Bustamante M, Carracedo A, Casas M, Estivill X, Fairley L, van Gent D, Gonzalez JR, Granum B, Gražulevičienė R, Gutzkow KB, Julvez J, Keun HC, Kogevinas M, McEachan RR, Meltzer HM, Sabidó E, Schwarze PE, Siroux V, Sunyer J, Want EJ, Zeman F, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ. 2014. The Human Early-Life Exposome (HELIX): Project Rationale and Design. Environ Health Perspect. 122(6):535-44.

    9. Leclerc E, Hamon J, Legendre A, Bois FY. Integration of pharmacokinetic and NRF2 system biology models to describe reactive oxygen species production and subsequent glutathione depletion in liver microfluidic biochips after flutamide exposure. Toxicol In Vitro. 2014, 28(7):1230-41

    10. Hamon J., Jennings P., Bois F.Y, 2014, Systems biology modeling of omics data: effect of cyclosporine a on the nrf2 pathway in human renal cells, BMC Systems Biology, 8:76.

    11. Cassano A, Raitano G, Mombelli E, Fernández A, Cester J, Roncaglioni A, Benfenati E. 2014. Evaluation of QSAR Models for the Prediction of Ames Genotoxicity: A Retrospective Exercise on the Chemical Substances Registered Under the EU REACH Regulation. J Environ Sci Health C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev.;32(3):273-98

    12. Prot JM, Maciel L, Bricks T, Merlier F, Cotton J, Paullier P, Bois FY, Leclerc E. 2014. First Pass Intestinal and Liver Metabolism of Paracetamol in a Microfluidic Platform Coupled With a Mathematical Modeling as a Means of Evaluating ADME Processes in Humans. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 111 (10):2027-2040

    13. Enrico Mombelli, Alexandre Péry, Isabelle Fabre, Fanny Boislève, Groupe de travail recherche FRANCOPA, Marc Pallardy. 2014. Using read-across to predict the sensitising potential of chemicals: an exercise by the FRANCOPA research working group. Environnement, Risques et Santé 13(6): 467-75

Book chapter

    1. Céline Brochot, Marie-Emilie Willemin et Florence Zeman. La modélisation toxico/pharmacocinétique à fondement physiologique : son rôle en évaluation du risque et en pharmacologie. Modéliser & simuler Epistémologies et pratiques de la modélisation et de la simulation Tome 2. Collection « Modélisations, Simulations, Systèmes complexes ». Editeurs F. Varenne, M. Silberstein, S. Dutreuil, P. Huneman. p. 455-492