Elisa Thépaut


Péritox UMR-I-01



5, rue Taffanel

60550 Verneuil en Halatte, France

PhD Project

Pre- and postnatal exposure assessment to chemicals thanks to physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling (PBPK)

The aim of this PhD thesis will be to establish an exposure assessment ranging from the prenatal to postnatal period to chemical substances in children of the Elfe cohort. This will include estimating fetal exposure to different families of substances such as pesticides but also phthalates or perfluorinated compounds. Estimates of internal exposure in targeted tissues will then be linked to available data on potential health effects in newborns and children. A first part of the PhD thesis will concern PBPK modeling during pregnancy and the postnatal period. Particular attention will be paid to the evolution of the metabolism in the fetus and young child. A second part will consist in using the PBPK models developed and the biomarker measurements carried out in the children of the Elfe cohort in order to predict the internal concentrations in the targeted tissues. Exposure data, particularly through food, may also be used to predict the internal exposure of substances for which no biomarker have been measured. In a final part, in utero exposure data will be compared with available data on potential health effects in newborns and children, in particular effects on neurodevelopment.

Work experience

March 2020 September 2020

Internship at the NIPH (Norwegian institute of public health) – toxicology and risk assessment unit. Diet and personal care products as sources of exposure to PFAS in the Norwegian biomonitoring study from Euromix.
Oslo, Norway

January 2019
March 2019

Internship at LaTIM (Laboratory of Medical Information Treatment) – INSERM UMR 1101. Modelling of multicellular systems based on fractones: involvement in multiform glioblastoma and its treatment.
Brest, France

Education and training

October  2020
(in progress)

PhD candidate at the doctoral school of sciences, technologies and health. 
University of Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens, France)


Master’s degree in toxicological risk assessment for the consumer.
University of Western Brittany (Brest, France)


Bachelor’s degree in cellular and molecular biology and physiology.
University of Western Brittany (Brest, France)


Scientifical “baccalauréat” (biology major).
Lycée Dupuy-de-Lôme (Lorient, France)

Language skills and software


Mother tongue


Upper intermediate level


Intermediate level


MCSim, R, @RISK, Microsoft Office


E. Thépaut, H.A.A.M. Dirven, L.S. Haug, B. Lindeman, S. Poothong, M. Andreassen, H. Hjertholm, T. Husøy. 2021. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in serum and associations with food consumption and use of personal care products in the Norwegian biomonitoring study from the EU project EuroMix, Environmental Research, Volume 195, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2021.110795.  

T. Husøy, E. Thépaut, I.H. Caspersen, H.K. Knutsen, L.S. Haug, A. Gkrillas, R. Hoogenboom, H. Dirven, B. Lindeman, M.W. Wojewodzic. 2022. Comparison of probabilistic aggregated exposure to PFOA from diet and personal care products with measured concentrations in serum using a PBK model – the EuroMix study, Toxicology Letters, Volume 368, 63, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxlet.2022.07.191.

E. Thépaut, C. Brochot, K. Chardon, S. Personne, F.A. Zeman. 2023. Pregnancy-PBPK models: How are biochemical and physiological processes integrated? Computational Toxicology, Volume 27, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comtox.2023.100282.