Blanche Goddyn





5, rue Taffanel

60550 Verneuil en Halatte, France

+33 (0) 3 44 55 66 49

PhD Project

Effects of Bisphenol A substitutes at different scales of biological organization in stickleback fish: from biomarkers to population dynamics 

Biomarkers are necessary tools for establishing an early diagnosis of environmental risk. At INERIS, the development and validation of biomarkers in three-spined stickleback fish have provided a complementary set of biological indicators. However, the main limitations of these biomarker measurements for assessing ecosystem quality lie in extrapolating responses from one biological organizational scale to another, from the laboratory to the field, and from one species to another.

In practice, one of the only feasible means to bridge the gap between experimental observations and the protected biological unit is the use of mechanistic mathematical models. The development of such models requires available data on all biological levels to be linked: biomarkers, individual traits, and population dynamics.

Experiments conducted in recent years on bisphenol A substitutes (BPS and BPF) in the laboratory and in an experimental ecosystem (mesocosm) provide the necessary database for the development of these models. Indeed, during these experiments, measurements of early effect biomarkers on exposed fish were conducted in parallel with monitoring the effects on their population dynamics (individuals exposed throughout their lives and naive to the substances).

Thus, based on available experimental data and ongoing mathematical models, the aim of the phd is to link early effect biomarkers to effects on organism performance and subsequently to long-term consequences for populations.

Work experiences

October 2023
(in progress)

Ph.D Student in Ecotoxicology and Modelling

Supervisors: Dr. Rémy Beaudouin, Dr. Anne Bado Nilles  
INERIS, Modelisation and Experimental Toxicology (TEAM) - Ecotoxicology of Substances and Environments (ESMI) - UMR-I 02 SEBIO

Project: Experimental and modelling approach in multiscale extrapolation effect on three spined sticklebacks (case study on bisphenol S and F)

Verneuil-en-Halatte, France

February 2023    August 2023 

Research internship

INERIS, Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques

Verneuil-en-Halatte, France

May 2021

July 2021

Assistant Engineer internship at the Direction Régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement de la Nouvelle-Aquitaine (DREAL)

DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Direction Régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement de la Nouvelle-Aquitaine 

State of the art and inventory of "Avoid, Reduce, Compensate" (ERC) measures by protected species in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region and in the specific case of wind farms and photovoltaic power stations.

Poitiers, France

April 2019

August 2019

Farm work internship  (polycultures/cattle breeders)

GAEC des deux rives & EARL HERVE THIERRY (49 122)

Heubécourt-Harciourt $ Territoire du May sur Evres, France 

Education and training

(in progress)

PhD Student in aquatic toxicology in ABIES school, Agriculture, Alimentation, Biologie, Environnement, Et Santé
AgroParisTech (Paris-Saclay, France)

(in progress)

Engineering school in Junia ISA, Institut Supérieur d’Agriulture: with Master’s Degree in Sustainable Management of Pollution (SMAP)

Graduated with honors

Catholic University (Lille, France)


Master’s Degree (First Year) in UCT Prague with Specialization on Pollution Management 

Erasmus Trip

Chemistry and Technology University (Prague, Czech Republic)

Language skills and Software
