Thomas Loret



Parc ALATA, BP 2

5, rue Taffanel

60550 Verneuil en Halatte, France

Research interests

My research focuses on the evaluation of the biological impact of materials, environmental pollutants, and complex mixtures after inhalation. I have a specific expertise on the assessment of adverse effects using in vivo and advanced in vitro methods, on in vivo/in vitro correlations and on bio-distribution/dosimetry/biodegradation.

Current and previous projects 

1) Evaluating the toxicity and developing/validating innovative tools to study particles, chemicals, complex mixtures impact after inhalation (2023- )

2) Developing innovative tools to study the impact, biodistribution and mode of action of micro and nanoplastics on human health after inhalation or ingestion. (PLASTICHEAL, Horizon 2020, 2021-2023)

3) Validating methodology to assess 2D materials deposition, internalisation, toxicity in vitro. (2018-2022)

4) Evaluating the impact of exposures to graphene materials, graphene reinforced composites, other 2D materials and high aspect/ratio naterials on the lungs and immune system. (Graphene flagship project, Horizon 2020, 2018-2022)

5) Evaluating the toxicity of poorly soluble metallic particles using in vivo and advanced in vitro methods. (NANoREG, FP7, 2013-2017)

6) Evaluating the in vitro toxicity of formaldehyde after exposure at the air-liquid interface. (01/2013- 06/2013)



Recent publications