Global warming – Global warning!

Post date: Mar 08, 2011 3:53:31 PM

I like so much talking about environmental issues and discussing about what each of us can do to become an active part to the protection of the environment. And I enjoyed so much the first hour because I discussed with the pupils about global warming and recycling. For this discussion I used the following PowerPoint presentations: "Global warning!", "It's time to recycle!". The pupils were very well-informed about the factors and the consequences of the climate change and they knew some basic eco-tips for reducing their carbon footprint. I could say that they are already part of the solution and this is very important. The future generations should be sensitized about environmental issues.In the hours that followed I tough about shapes (circle, rectangle, triangle, square), about giving directions by using the map of London with some famous places on it, about vocabulary about airplane, mobile phone, computer and about forest animals and squirrel’s characteristics. You can find as attachment the vocabulary for airplane, mobile phone and computer.