Stories From The Trenches: Hoeller

Stories From The Trenches

Norbert Hoeller

Sustainable Innovation Network


Norbert will give an overview of the Zygote Quarterly "Stories from the Trenches" series that explored the lifecycle of four biomimetic innovations and identified a number of observations. He will also touch on the "Perspectives on Stories from the Trenches" written by biom* practitioners.


After an extensive career in Information Technology, most recently as a Consulting Architect and technical program manager in charge of major infrastructure implementations at IBM, Norbert Hoeller founded the design research and consulting practice Sustainable Innovation Network. His primary areas of interest are tools and methods supporting systems-oriented, bio-inspired sustainable design.

Norbert has taught biomimicry and sustainability workshops at OCAD University, Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board, the Design Exchange, Ryerson University, the Nexus Student Sustainability Group (Auckland, New Zealand), ADMI and the University of Toronto. He is a director of BioDreamMachine, the founder and practice leader of the Bio-Inspired Design Community, a co-editor of the Zygote Quarterly Journal and chair of the Canadian mirror committee for ISO’s Technical Committee #266 on “Biomimetics”.