2021-5 Patrick: Gamification

Can gamification save the planet?

Katie Patrick

Games are a big deal. But can they save the planet?

This is the quest that Silicon Valley-based environmental engineer Katie Patrick has been pursuing in her recent book,How to Save the World: How to Make Changing the World the Greatest Game on Earth.

The secrets to gamifying planet Earth

How do you design a game to save the Earth?

Katie Patrick's book How to Save the World takes a deep dive into how to apply game design techniques to environmental issues.

Here are the main concepts:

  • Feedback loops - collect real-time data and show it to people.

  • Agency - show the data to people in a way they can influence.

  • Disclosure - make the data public.

  • Social Comparison - compare household to household.

  • Behavior mapping - identify the specific behavior to influence.

  • Progress tracking - track a single "God" metric towards a goal.

  • Color grading - add color to the data, red meaning bad and green good.

  • Reward system (of the brain) - that's "giving the brain a cookie"

  • Ambient messaging - show data publicly on walls and billboards.

Send note to nswg-info@incose.org for a link to the presentation and recording