IW 2018

INCOSE International Workshop


January 20, 2018, Jacksonville, FL

Presenter details are in subpages, links at left and bottom.

Recordings and Presentations are on dropbox, send a note to nswg-info@incose.org

Chair: Curt McNamara — Co-chair: Randy Anway

https://sites.google.com/site/incosenswg nswg-info@incose.org

The NSWG will once again be offering several sessions on topics of interest.

Our schedule includes:

Saturday, January 20th 10:30-noon EST:

Overview of the circular economy

· Tools and techniques for the Circular Economy as described in British Standard BS 8001:2017

· Infrastructure Ecology: ecological network analysis of material and energy flow in human systems (Marc Weissburg, GATech)

· The Who and What of Communicating Biom* (Norbert Hoeller, Sustainable Innovation Network)

· The Hero’s Journey To The Circular Economy: An Innovative Methodology To Guide Businesses In The Transition To A Circular Economy (Shari Welsh, Circular Design Solutions)

Saturday, January 20th 1pm-3pm EST:

Cross-scale analytics

This session will host an exploratory discussion on units of analysis for natural systems and interdisciplinary applications of such models.

We plan to cover 4 distinct scales: microbiological; human; urban; and terrestrial.

Moderated by Randall Anway, AIA

Speakers and topics:

  • Dr. Kate Adamala (U Minnesota): “Biological Control Systems”

  • Dr. Fred Wulczyn (U Chicago): “Data Analytics for Human Services”

  • Elizabeth Christoforetti (Supernormal, Cambridge MA): "Big Data for Small Places: Utilizing Emerging Quantitative Information for Improved Urban Quality."

  • Dr. Caryl Johnson (Introspective Systems, LLC, Portland ME): "Managing Dynamic Complexity, A Biomimetic Perspective”

Saturday, January 20th 3;30pm-5pm EST:

Joint system with NASA Virtual Interchange for Natural Systems (VINE)

· Overview of VINE and the systemology cluster. Jacqueline Nagel, James Madison University; Vikram Shyam NASA

· Survey of Biomimicry tools for use in PeTaL (Periodic Table of Life) Collen Unsworth, U Akron

· An Ontology for Biomimetics. Julian Vincent


INCOSE Natural Systems Working Group (NSWG)