2017-1 Smith: Bio Security

Natural Systems Working Group – Applying Analogy in SE

March 17, 2017, noon CDT

Gary Smith


Immune system and cyber security

Architectural parallels between biological and engineered solutions in defence and security

Brigitte DANIEL ALLEGRO & Gary Robert SMITH

Gary Smith is a senior expert in systems engineering at Airbus Defence and Space and is an INCOSE ESEP. He has been a lead systems architect for their border protection systems. He is an active contributor to the INCOSE/ISSS systems science working group and the healthcare working group where he participates as the outreach director for the EMEA region and is an INCOSE Healthcare Ambassador. In 2004, “just for fun”, he undertook the Open University course S807 Molecules in Medicine and as a direct result of the course published “Cancer, Inflammation and the AT1 and AT2 receptors in the BMC Journal of Inflammation. This was featured in the UK national press, “Open University Student publishes new theory of inflammation”. The paper has over 95 citations, including one in Nature Review Oncology. His more recent paper “Angiotensin and Systems Thinking: Wrapping your mind around the big picture” describes a mental model for understanding disease.

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