IW 2017 - SysPathology


IW’17, Saturday, Jan 28th, 3:30 to 6 pm

We will cover at least 13 different views of or approaches to Systems Pathology for Systems Engineers as well as initiate a professional society, program its products, and its conferences for future development of Systems Pathology.

1530-1545 Troncale (will present three already established pathologies; a summary of the SPT-based, top-down Systems Pathology work of SSWG; and summarize & compare the prototype SysPath related work of Miller, Swanson, Odum, Schindel, DeLamare, Meadows, MIT-SD, as time permits)

1545-1600 McNamara will design and plan the follow-up activity esp. of the NSWG

1600-1615 Davidz (will present a proposed extrapolation of Systems Pathology to Systems Engineering Pathology, detection of patterns in SE execution failure, and interest in using SE Pathology to enhance SE practice)

1615-1630 Activity-Discussion organized and run by Davidz

1630-1645 Katina (will present his graduate student work on systems applied to complex systems, with a focus on critical infrastructure, risk, & vulnerability, as well as describe interest of the next generation of SE’s in SysPath)

1645-1700 Activity-Discussion organized and run by Katina

1700-1715 Kerschmann (will present a summary of current anatomical & molecular medical pathology tand ask whether or not the systems approach practice by SE would be an important new addition to conventional pathology)

1715-1730 Activity-Discussion organized and run by Kerschmann

1730-1745 Troncale ((will present a “manifesto” for top-down Systems Pathology; announce specifics of initiation of an Int’l Society for Systems Pathology (ISSP); enroll Founding Members; describe the next year of ISSP Products and Activities))

1745-1800 Sign-ups and planning of 2017 ISSP activities

Some Short Bio Notes: Some of the presenters may be unknown to you receiving this email. So I have summarized biographies below.

Curt McNamara, P.E. is currently Chair of the INCOSE NSWG, Natural Systems Working Group and has also served as its Co-Chair since its inception.

Dr. Russell Kerschmann is an M.D. from N.A.S.A. Ames Research Center (ret.) and a Subject Matter Expert for the N.A.S.A. Engineering and Safety Center. He has presented a Webinar for NSWG on “How Living Things Fail, and Why It Should Matter to Engineers,” available on the NSWG website and which we regard as closely related to the umbrella of Systems Pathology. His focus is on medical (anatomic/clinical) pathology. Although an UG EE, he does not consider himself an SE but thinks the systems perspective would be a help to failure analysis.

Dr. Heidi L. Davidz is a Principal Engineer in Systems Engineering for Aerojet Rocketdyne in West Palm Beach, Fl. Previously she was Discipline Lead in Systems Engineering at UTC Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne. Her Ph.D. education was at MIT (BS in Mechanical; MS in Aerospace). She has witnessed and documented patterns of failure in SE execution through her dissertation work and her work at several companies.

Dr. Polinho Katina, BSc, MEng Ph.D. is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the National Centers for System of Systems Engineering at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, where he is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in SE. His research focused on the relationship between Systems Theory and Problem Formulation for governance of complex systems. He is interested in the future of Systems Pathology.

Dr. Len Troncale is Professor Emeritus and Past Chair, Biological Sciences and Founding Director Emeritus of the Institute for Advanced Systems Studies, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA. He was also past Managing Director of the Int’l Society for General Systems Research (SGSR) and past President of the Int’l Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS). He is lead for two of the official INCOSE-SSWG ongoing projects.