Goel - CBID

Bios: Ashok Goel is a Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA. He is the Director of the School's Design & Intelligence Laboratory and a Co-Director of Georgia Tech's Center for Biologically Inspired Design. He is also Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of The Biomimicry Institute. Ashok conducts research into artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and human-centered computing, with a focus on computational design, discovery and creativity. His current research on computational design develops information-processing theories of biologically inspired design to help systematize its practice as well as interactive tools for scaling up its practice.

Bryan Wiltgen is a Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science in the School of Interactive Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is also a member of Dr. Ashok Goel’s Design & Intelligence Lab. Bryan’s research lies at the intersection of AI, analogical reasoning, and biologically inspired design. He seeks to develop an AI agent that can evaluate biologically inspired design analogies to help people better evaluate and rank such analogies. Bryan has research interests in knowledge-based artificial intelligence, analogical reasoning, and cognitive science, with a special interest in computational technologies that support and/or interact with people.

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