2018-3 Troncale: Systems Pathology

International Society for Systems Pathology.

Friday August 24th

Len Troncale




This Webinar will present two progress reports: (1) a brief listing and single key slide for each of seven talks presented at ISSS’18 in Corvallis, Oregon by this author on the GST/systems science underlying two joint SSWG-NSWG projects (for those who could not attend); and (2) an up-to-date summary of accomplishments of the team dedicated to establishing a new professional society, the International Society for Systems Pathology (ISSP). It will explain the 14 goals/purposes/objectives of the society contained in its By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation, progress on incorporation and achieving non-profit status. It will present a Manifesto of Interdependence for Systems Pathology. It will explain the award of four grants from INCOSE and the Wilson Foundation in support of these tasks. It will describe the International Business Office of the ISSP and its many systems resources including both the physical and digital Archives of the ISSS as well as systems scientists Albert G. Wilson & the author. It will give an overview of more than a dozen domains of pre-existing systems-level pathological study as source pools for members as well as a report on current membership. It will describe a growing bibliography of >100 texts, 3,500 reprints, analyses and reports on many dozens of isomorphies for GST. It will report on plans for publications such as a biannual Bulletin, an annual Yearbook of best papers, an introductory text introducing the concept of unifying the dozens of domains of Systems Pathology, and planning of a Journal on Systems Pathology. It will demonstrate an already active ISSP website, two associated websites, and briefly introduce and describe a network of a dozen interconnected projects on this topic. It will close with an appeal to attending participants to join and help with this significant new endeavor as Founding Members.

We have added Len's materials to our pathology dropbox folder:


Len's Bio:

Dr. Len Troncale is Professor Emeritus of Cell and Molecular Biology, and past Chairman of the Biology Department at California State Polytechnic University. He is also Founder/Director Emeritus of the Institute for Advanced Systems Studies, and Coordinator of its NSF-supported Systems Integrated Science General Education (ISGE) Program. He has served as VP and Managing Director of the International Society for General Systems Research (SGSR) from 1980-88, and 29th President of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), in 1990. He still serves on the Board of Trustee’s for ISSS. He was a member of the Board of Directors for the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR) from 1982-85 and a Research Associate at the Int’l Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria. He has served as Visiting Professor at CSU, Monterey Bay and CSU, Sonoma, as well as the University of Vienna. He is Project Lead on two projects of the Systems Science Working Group (SSWG) of INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering) that has also met in conjunction with its NSWG Natural Systems Working Group. He has received two of the first INCOSE Foundation Grants for 2017-18 to support parts of these projects. Dr. Troncale has published 120 articles, abstracts, editorials and reports, served as Editor on 11 projects, delivered 125 invited and computerized presentations and demo’s in 27 countries and served as P.I. on 55 grants and contracts for $5.4M from a variety of federal, state, and private organizations such as the NSF, DOE, ONR, HUD, HHMI and Keck Foundations, the Wilson Trust, and the CSU System. He is the Author of Systems Processes Theory, and Systems Pathology Theory (as well as new spin-off specialties such as Systems Allometry, Systems Mimicry, and SysInformatics). In Systems Biology his specialties are Evolution of Cell Division, Cell Differentiation Models, Chromosome Territories, and the Nuclear Matrix (nucleoskeleton). He is currently President of GSRDC (General Systems Research, Development, and Consulting) and a Lecturer, for the new Masters in Systems Engineering Program, College of Engineering, California State Polytechnic University.

The webinar files are too large to place here, please contact nswg-info@incose.org for details