Insight Special Issue


— NSWG Special Feature Issue —

Volume 19 Issue 1 April 2016

Citation and File List

Find the articles here.

The Natural Systems Working Group

The Natural Systems Working Group (NSWG) of the International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) ( sponsored a Special Feature Issue of INCOSE’s INSIGHT quarterly magazine. The issue was published as INSIGHT Volume 19 Issue 1 April 2016.

A primary goal of the NSWG is to facilitate dialog among the INCOSE systems engineering community and the biology and other communities involved with considering Nature as a source of design inspiration. Thus, with the permission of each primary author, each of the articles included that issue is posted on the NSWG public web site: Each article is downloadable in PDF format. For any secondary distribution, please contact the author and properly cite the article with any distribution.

This Document

This document serves as a specially created Citations and File list, and serves as an expanded Table of Contents for these INSIGHT articles as posted on the NSWG site. Each article is listed below in the order they appear in the issue in Chicago Manual of Style citation format. After each citation, the file name that is used on this NSWG site is also listed.

The entire issue (ISSN: 2156-4868) as well as individual articles are also accessible via Wiley Online at: This access is free to INCOSE members.

Your Feedback

Your feedback on this issue and the individual articles within is both solicited and welcome. Please email your comments to

List of Articles

u Citation and File List. 2016. (This is a downloadable PDF copy of this page.)


u Cover. 2016. INSIGHT 19 (1).


u Contents. 2016. (This includes the Table of Contents for this issue, information about INCOSE, and information about INSIGHT.)


u Pohlmann, L. D. 2016. “Natural Systems Special Feature Section Introduction.” INSIGHT 19 (1): 8–9. doi:10.1002/inst.12064.


u Pohlmann, L. D. 2016. “The Benyus Effect: Rapidly Growing Interest in Biomimicry.” INSIGHT 19 (1): 10–11. doi:10.1002/inst.12065.


u McNamara, C., Studor, G. M. and Pohlmann, L. D. 2016. “The INCOSE Natural Systems Working Group — Helping The Systems Engineering Community Look to the Genius of Nature.” INSIGHT 19 (1): 12–15. doi:10.1002/inst.12066.


u Studor, G. M. 2016. “What is NASA's Interest in Natural Systems?” INSIGHT 19 (1): 16–22. doi:10.1002/inst.12067.


u McNamara, C. 2016. “Enhancing the Systems Engineering Process by Considering Natural Systems.” INSIGHT 19 (1): 23–25. doi:10.1002/inst.12068.


u Kerschmann, R. 2016. “How Living Things Fail, and Why It Should Matter to Engineers.” INSIGHT, 19 (1): 28–31. doi:10.1002/inst.12069.


u Nagel, J. K.S. 2016. “Systematic Bio-inspired Design: How Far Along Are We?” INSIGHT 19 (1): 32–35. doi:10.1002/inst.12070.


u Hoeller, N., Farnsworth, M., Jacobs, S., Chirazi, J., Mead, T., Goel, A. and Salustri, F. 2016. “A Systems View of Bio-Inspiration: Bridging the Gaps.” INSIGHT 19 (1): 36–40. doi:10.1002/inst.12071.


u Troncale, L. 2016. “Beyond Biomimicry to Systems Mimicry: Using Evidence from the Natural Sciences to Design Better Systems.” INSIGHT 19 (1): 41–45. doi:10.1002/inst.12072.


u Hooker, G. and Smith, E. 2016. “AskNature and the Biomimicry Taxonomy.” INSIGHT 19 (1): 46–49. doi:10.1002/inst.12073.


u Eggermont, M. and McKeag, T. 2016. “Zygote Quarterly: A Free Online Journal About Biomimicry, Bio-inspired Design, And Engineering.” INSIGHT 19(1): 50–52. doi:10.1002/inst.12074.


u Nugent, R. 2016. “Springer Natural Computing Series.” INSIGHT 19 (1): 52–53. doi: 10.1002/inst.12075.


u Bar-Cohen, Y. 2016. “The CRC Press Series in Biomimetics.” INSIGHT 19 (1): 53–54. doi: 10.1002/inst.12076.
