Schill - AskNature

Abstract: AskNature is the world’s most comprehensive catalog of nature’s solutions to human design challenges. This curated online library provides innovators with free information on more 1,800 natural phenomena and hundreds of bio-inspired applications. Join us to gain a better understanding of what AskNature has to offer and how you can use it to solve your greatest design challenges.

Bio: Jen Schill serves as the Biomimicry Institute's AskNature Content & Community Manager. In this role, she guides all AskNature content and manages programs to engage scientists, innovators, educators, and students in AskNature. She also manages partnerships and informs AskNature's ongoing innovation. Previously, Jen worked for the U.S. Green Building Council, where she directed an online LEED case study initiative, oversaw multi-format LEED curriculum, and engaged the higher education community in green building research. Jen has worked with several other non-profits on issues ranging from regeneration to land conservation to river restoration.

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