Downey - Microgravity Biomaterials

Title: Overview of the Microgravity Biomaterials Program

Speakers: James Patton Downey & Sridhar Gorti of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Abstract: NASA’s Space Life and Physical Sciences Division (SLPS) of the Human Exploration and Operations Directorate is responsible for soliciting and funding researchers utilizing the International Space Station (ISS). These researchers take advantage of the near elimination of sedimentation, natural convection, and pressure head provided by conducting experiments in the microgravity environment. Recently, a Request for Information (RFI) was solicited by SLPS in order to investigate the level of interest in utilizing the microgravity environment for biomaterials research. The RFI covered biomimetic, bio-inspired, and biocompatible materials research. The responses from the RFI will be utilized to inform and initiate discussions with the community attending the 2014 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall meeting in Boston, MA. A workshop entitled, “NASA Biological Materials, Biomaterials and Biomimetics Workshop” took place on December 3 from 2-5PM associated with the MRS meeting. Ultimately, if NASA management determines there is sufficient interest a NASA Research Announcement in biomaterials will be released in order to solicit and award grants for biomaterials research to be conducted on ISS. An overview of the microgravity research program, its processes, its hardware, and how the biomaterials initiative fits within program will be provided.

Background: Dr. Downey is the technical lead for the microgravity materials program run from the Marshall Space Flight Center. His PhD was awarded by the University of Tennessee in Chemistry. He has served as the lead mission scientist for the Space Life and Microgravity Spacelab, published a number of scientific publications, and edited a book reviewing microgravity polymer experiments entitled, “Polymer Research in Microgravity.” He also served as the lead engineer for the Ares I-X Roll Control System.

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