
Abstract: Mr. George Studor will provide the introduction to the Natural Systems Working Group and its efforts to investigate and be a catalyst for including Natural Systems, living and non-living, in the documentation and application of the Systems Engineering Process. Topics will include it’s Charter, participants, 2013 accomplishments and plans for 2014. He will introduce the goals and plans for the NSWG sessions at IW2014 with time for group dialog.

Bio: Mr. George Studor is the co-chair and founder of the INCOSE Natural Systems Working Group: an initiative which grew out of his NASA efforts to encourage the inclusion of natural systems, living and non-living, in the system engineering process. With a BS and MS in Astronautical Engineering, George moved from Air Force C130 pilot to NASA human spaceflight engineering 1983: working in Space Shuttle and Space Station Program Offices and supporting flight applications from the Johnson Space Center’s Engineering Directorate and Technology Offices since 1996. He has developed and flown a large number of spaceflight standalone wireless and inspection sensors for Shuttle and ISS operations and has lead Communities of Practice and Workshops inside and outside NASA in these areas. He retired a USAF Major in 1999, a NASA GS-15 in 2013 and is now a consultant supporting several NASA operations and technology efforts for in-space inspection and wireless avionics and sensors.

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