Spatial Skills: Wolf

Spatial Skills are the engine of Engineering and Systems Learning

Alex Wolf



What, Why and How of spatial skills in engineering: An overview of what the spatial skill toolset is, and why when spatial skills are nourished math skills to engineer level can doubles the students eligible to enter the field. Why spatial is vital in preK-12 and college to keep engineers in the pipeline, and how the Pattern ABC acts as a language for professionals and students, and how we employ it to ensure a STEAM fluent workforce.


Alex had a playful childhood and a bang up education at Exeter, RISD and in programs abroad. Ever since, she has been trying to dissect her RISD know how and give it to children in breadcrumb-sized pieces, one bit at a time.

Convinced that children are bright creative thinkers, from 0-5 especially, and need literal and figurative space and tools to express that creatively, she works in how they see and perceive space, form, pattern and motion.