2013-6 Goel: BioInsDes

INCOSE Natural Systems CoP Webinar: Dec 20 noon Central - Georgia Tech - Dr. Ashok Goel

On Friday December 20th 2013 our presentaion was from Dr. Ashok Goel, Director, Georgia Tech Design and Intelligence Laboratory and Board of Directors of the Biomimicry 3.8 Institute.

Abstract: Biologically inspired design (also known as biomimicry or biomimetics) is a promising movement in contemporary design that promotes the view of nature as a library of designs and the use of biological design patterns and principles in support of designing technological products, processes and systems. The design movement is driven in part by rapid advances in biology and partly by the desire for creativity and innovation in design. Yet, the biologically inspired design community looks fragmented, its practice sometimes appears ad hoc, and our understanding of the paradigm often seems limited to case studies. In this webinar, I will use ideas from design thinking, systems thinking, and analogical thinking to sketch our ongoing effort to develop a theory and a methodology of biologically inspired design. In particular, first I will describe some of the cognitive challenges of biologically inspired design. Next, I will outline an emerging information-processing theory of biologically inspired design. Then, I will present an array of computational techniques and tools for supporting biologically inspired design in practice.

Bio: Ashok K. Goel is a Professor of Computer and Cognitive Science and the Director of the Ph.D. Program in Human-Centered Computing in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA. He is also the Director of the School's Design and Intelligence Laboratory and a Co-Director of the Institute’s Center for Biologically Inspired Design. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Biomimicry 3.8 Institute as well as the BID Community Think Tank.

The recording is too large for google sites, please contact George or Curt for a copy.

George Studor nswg-info@incose.org (763) 208-9283

Curt McNamara nswg-info@incose.org