How to Use the Multistate Performance Test (MPT) to Teach U.S. Memorandum and Brief Formats

Foreign-trained attorneys can efficiently learn common formats for U.S. law-office and trial and appellate practice, including memoranda and briefs, by using tasks from the NCBE-designed Multistate Performance Test (MPT). The great virtue of MPT tasks is that they are all designed to be completed within 90 minutes. I have noticed that even foreign-trained attorneys who are well-informed about U.S. law and competent in English may lack confidence with U.S. legal formats. I find that using MPT tasks is the quickest, easiest, and most satisfying way to teach these skills. In the time it might take just to research a memo or brief, the student can complete half a dozen MPT tasks, from start to finish, polishing his or her formatting skills and gaining confidence.