Ecological Paradigm applied to legal pedagogy

The ecological paradigm applied to legal pedagogy focuses its methodological objectives in the subjects’ interaction involved in the educational act, reassuring the learning experience as a consequence of the intellectual exercises exchange through specific teaching methodologies and moreover methodologies of diverse application. This teaching paradigm tries to develop the learning process through the subjects’ senses together with the surrounding environment, where environment is understood as a system or ecosystem which emphasizes the moral, cognitive, and motivational structure of the individuals involved in the educational scenario. The teaching and learning methods of the applied legal science in this paradigm are: Case method, Problem based method, Research method and the Apprentice method, all of which are taught through forensic practice and humanistic formation of the legal knowledge. Taking into consideration the humanistic concept of the legal learning process and an ecological paradigm perspective we intend to achieve in the law student the following skills, solving legal problems, advice and counseling, writing and oral comprehension, knowledge generation, integrity and ethical behavior while stimulating the student’s creative potential while providing them with the scientific and methodological aspects in accordance to the new social demands of an ever changing legal world.