Start a Julia software

Method 1 using a terminal:

1- start a terminal. On windows this is done using the "cmd" program

2- change the current directory and go to the software directory using the "cd" command:

cd path_to_the_julia_software

3- on linux, type :

julia software_name.jl

on windows, it is often necessary to enter the full path of the julia executable. For example :

C:\Users\JohnDoe\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia 1.5.0\bin\julia.exe software_name.jl

alternatively you can use this method

Method 2 using Julia terminal:

1- start Julia

2- change the current directory and go to the software directory using the "cd" command:

julia> cd("path_to_the_julia_software")

3- start the software with the command :

julia> include("software_name.jl")

This is for example how to start PTM select from Julia console :

It is also possible to enter the path without need to escape it using raw"path" such as :

julia> raw"C:\Users\Fred"
