Scatter plot by cols interactive

This software draws interactively scatter plots of two columns of a table in CSV (separator TAB by default). Plots and their corresponding X,Y data can be saved. When many plots have to be made, this software is much faster than spreadsheet based softwares because only the number of 2 columns is needed to draw the plot avoiding columns selection, copy/paste etc.

Manual :

1- if not already installed, install R programming language.

2- unzip the software

3- copy your table in the “data” directory. Very important : avoid spaces or special characters in files names. The files must be formated as follows :

- txt or csv files with TAB separator

- first line : column names

- first column : row names (for example peptides)

- next columns : values

- number of columns : illimited

4- open a terminal and open the software directory using cd

5- execute the software by the command : source("scatter_plot_by_cols_003.r") in R

6- open the "row_names" directory and open the file : columns.tsv

7- the software ask you the columns numbers indicated in the file columns.tsv

8- plots are saved in the “svg” directory and tables in "tables" directory.