Jaccard Index

This software computes the Jaccard index (similarity index) of and unlimited combination of files containing lists of genes, proteins etc... The Jaccard index J, is between 0 and 1. In order to limit the size of the results file, the program skip the results when J=0. The Julia software loads all the files in memory before processing so verify that the amount of memory of the computer is enough to import all files at once. If memory is more critical than speed, use this program.

Manual :

1- install Julia v1.2 or later free programming language and install package :

ProgressMeter : Pkg.add("ProgressMeter")

2- unzip the software

3- copy your n list in csv or txt files in the “data” directory. The files must have one item / line (genes, proteins etc..).

4- execute the software by the command : julia software_name

JaccardIndex_with_zero_0.7 keep Jaccard Index = 0 in the results

JaccardIndex_0.7_threads is a multi thread version experimental and needs Julia 1.3 or later

5- the result is in result directory