Find Fasta max length
When a gene is associated with many sequences lengths (for example 3'UTR), Find Fasta max length will select and measure the Fasta sequence of maximal length associated to that gene.
Find Fasta max length was written in GO and compiled for Linux and Windows 64 bits.
1- Copy the fasta file(s) in the fasta directory
example :
>3HSAA000010 CA000010
>3HSAA000012 CA000012
2- Copy the Gene -> reference file(s) in the list directory.
The file must have two columns (gene name and reference) separated by a TAB
example :
A1BG 3HSAA000001
A1BG 3HSAA000002
A1BG 3HSAA000003
A1CF 3HSAA000004
A1CF 3HSAA000005
A1CF 3HSAA000006
3- Execute the software with the command :
./find_Fasta_max_length-014 (Linux)
or double click on the .exe file (windows)
4- The table of gene max lengths is in the table directory
5- The sequences with max lengths are in the results directory
when multiple fasta and list files are given, all the combinations fasta x lists are computed