Normalize files means

This software normalizes a set of tables in CSV (separator TAB by default) according to the mean of each tables values. After normalization, the means of all tables are equal. The software was optimized to save memory so only one table is loaded into RAM at a time. To normalize the columns inside a table use Normalize tables.

Manual :

1- install Julia free programming language and install packages :

ArgParse : Pkg.add("ArgParse")

DataFrames : Pkg.add("DataFrames")

2- unzip the software

3- copy your n tables in csv (TAB delimitated by default) files in the “data” directory.

- first line of the table : column names

- next lines : values

- titles or no titles in first n column

4- execute the software by the command : julia software_name

usage: normalize-files-003.jl [-s SEP] [-c COL] [-h]

optional arguments:

-s, --sep SEP separator for CSV tables (default: '\t')

-c, --col COL number of columns to skip (type: Int64, default: 0)

-h, --help show this help message and exit

5- processed file is in the “result” directory.