Batch Sequence

This software execute n times a command for n files placed in the "batch" directory. This program can be used for example to execute Select lines in table on many tables.

Manual :

1- if not already installed, install Perl free programming language

2- unzip the software

3- edit this part of the program (Lines 24-26) to match your goal :

#            EDIT THIS PART           #
my $batch_folder = "batch";  # folder containing the files to process
my $cmd = "perl" ;  # command to process the files
my $data_folder = "data" ;  # folder used by the command to process the files

4- execute the software by the command : perl software_name or double click on the .pl file

5- for all the files placed in batch folder, the file will be copied to the data folder and the command $cmd will be executed on this file