Normalize tables

This software normalizes the columns of a table in CSV (separator TAB by default) according to the mean, sum or median of each column values. To normalize entire tables, use Normalize files means.

Manual :

Since version 0.7, Normalize tables accept missing values (cells must be empty, "NA" is not allowed) in tables.

1- install Julia 1.5.2 free programming language and install packages :

ArgParse : add ArgParse

DataFrames : add DataFrames

CSV : add CSV

Statistics : Pkg.add("Statistics ")

2- unzip the software

3- copy your n tables in csv (TAB delimitated by default) files in the “data” directory.

- first line of the table : column names

- next lines : values

- no titles in first column

4- execute the software by the command : julia software_name

usage: normalise-table-007.jl [-s SEP] [-c COL] [-n NORM] [-h]

optional arguments:

-s, --sep SEP separator for CSV tables (default: '\t')

-c, --col COL number of columns to skip (type: Int64, default: 0)

-n, --norm NORM type of normalisation : s (sum), m (median) or a

(average) (default: "a")

-h, --help show this help message and exit

The default separator is TAB, no arguments are needed to use TAB. It is possible to use other separators, for exemple :

space : julia normalise-table-00x.jl -s " "

";" julia normalise-table-00x.jl -s ";" -c 2 # skip the 2 first columns

"," julia normalise-table-00x.jl -s ","

TAB separator, skip first column table containing characters and normalize by sum : julia normalise-table-00x.jl -c 1 -n s

5- processed file is in the “result” directory.