Install Tk

Perl/TK is a graphical library, usefull for nwCompare or AutoCompare. You don't need this library for command line tools.

1- On Windows

Fist you have to install Perl

To Install Tk graphical library (the computer should be connected to the web during this operation) : Open the Windows command prompt : start menu → programs → accessories → command prompt

If you have installed Activestate Perl 5.12.4 build 1205 (we successfully installed this version on windows 7 whereas later versions failed) or any other version supporting Tk, Type :

ppm install Tk at the command prompt (an internet connexion is required).

If you have installed Strawberry Perl, Type :

cpan install Tk at the command prompt (an internet connexion is required - be patient, it can take 30 min) :

Caution : some versions of Strawberry Perl seems to have problems to compile Perl Tk module. We successfully install Perl/TK with Strawberry Perl 5.12.3

2- On GNU/Linux

Perl/Tk is generally included in the distribution packages. For example with Debian or Debian based distribution, juste type in a terminal :

sudo apt-get install perl-tk