Select columns by regexp

This software select columns in a CSV tables (TAB separator by default) where  columns names corresponds to lists of keyword/regex . An unlimited number of lists and tables can be processed. Duplicate columns allowed. It is especially useful to group some columns together (for example control/treated). Tables are read/write line by line so the software can process very large tables in parallel on a small computer. See also Extract Columns, Select columns in table.

Manual :

1- install Julia  1.9 or later free programming language and, if not already installed, install packages :

DelimitedFiles, Printf (they should be installed by default)

2- unzip the software

3- copy your n tables in csv (TAB delimitated only) files in the “data” directory

4- copy your lists in the "lists" directory : lists are text files with one keyword/regex by line. Each line k will be evaluated with Regex(k) to produce a regular expression.

5-  To use list as regex : no argument required

execute the software by the command : 

     julia main_00x.jl

To use exact match in list, use the "nr"  = No Regex argument

 julia main_00x.jl nr

6- processed file is in the “result” directory.