
nwCompare has been rewritten for improved performances, see here : nwCompare - Julia

nwCompare interface (click to enlarge)

nwCompare repartition table opened in a matrix visualisation software.

This picture shows how proteins identified in 6 experiments are distributed (click to enlarge)

nwCompare (nwCompare Bibliography) is a software for n-way comparison of text files such as proteins, genes, pathaways...names lists. Mass spectrometry, the reference technology for proteomics, routinely produces large numbers of protein lists whose fast comparison would prove very useful. We introduce here nwCompare, a simple tool for n-way comparison of several protein lists without any query language. As the software compares character strings, it can be applied to any type of data mining, such as genomic or metabolomic datalists.

Acknowledgements : JJ Fournié for his useful advises which help me to improve nwCompare.

IMPORTANT NOTE for windows users : since version 5.10 Activestate Perl seems to have a bug that prevent installation of Perl/TK. So we now recommend to install Strawberry Perl (http://strawberryperl.com/) instead of ActiveState Perl.

If you enjoy using nwCompare and find it useful, then please cite :

Sorting protein lists with nwCompare: a simple and fast algorithm for n-way comparison of proteomic data files. PROTEOMICS 2010, 10, 1-4.

Frédéric Pont and Jean Jacques Fournié.

Fréderic Pont, Marie Tosolini, Bernard Ycart and Jean-Jacques Fournié (2012). nwCompare and AutoCompare Softwares for Proteomics and Transcriptomics Data Mining - Application to the Exploration of Gene Expression Profiles of Aggressive Lymphomas, Integrative Proteomics, Hon-Chiu Eastwood Leung (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0070-6, InTech, Available from:


Change Log :

v3.32 : remove blanc space after the 1st column in abundance table