Merge n tables

This software merges n tables in CSV (separator TAB) and rearranges them according to the first column values (see also Concatenate n tables)

Manual :

Columns must be type stable. For example if the first value of a column is 10 (type Integer64) and the last one is 1e20 (type Float64), there will be a type error. See Here.

The header must be the same in all tables.

1- install Julia 1.6.0 free programming language and install packages :

CSV : add CSV

DataFrames : add DataFrames

compatibility verified with :

CSV v0.8.4

DataFrames v0.22.6

2- unzip the software

3- copy your n tables in csv (TAB delimitated only) files in the “data” directory

4- execute the software by the command : julia software_name

merge_table_gap : merge all lines of the tables and fills the gap with NA

merge_table_nogap : merge only common lines of the tables

pMerge : parallel version, need a lot of RAM for large tables since they are loaded simulatneously

5- processed file is in the “result” directory.