Heat Map

This program draw a heatmap according to a table (1st line column names, 1st column row names). Minimal values are in green, median in yellow, and maximal in red. The max is set up at 4000. Groups are colored in blue and red (see options in the source code : Categorizing row and/or colum, ColSideColors = CatCol, RowSideColors = CatRow)

Program written by Marie TOSOLINI in 2015.

Manual :

This software has been tested on linux only. It should run on windows with a minor modification : the path to the R program ('R' under linux) should be replaced by the windows path.

1- if not already installed, install Perl free programming language

2- install the R statistical package. The program requires gplots, gtools and RColorBrewer packages.

3- unzip the software you want for paired or unpaired test

4- copy your data csv (TAB delimitated only) files in the “data” directory

VERY IMPORTANT : the decimal separator must be a dot. To set this in openoffice/libreoffice : Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Language -> Decimal Separator. You can alternatively use the search replace word tool to change efficiently the decimal separator.

4- execute the software by the command : perl software_name or double click on the .pl file

the file heatmap_norm_0.3.pl normalize the data between 0-1.

5- processed files are in the “results” directory.