Aggregate rows

This software aggregates tables rows by sum, mean, max, min or the maximum value of the row. The difference between max and maxrow is : max take the max value/column of every duplicates whereas maxrow keep the row unchanged but select the row with the maximum sum. See also Mean_by_factors

Manual :

Columns must be type stable. For example if the first value of a column is 10 (type Integer64) and the last one is 1e20 (type Float64), there will be a type error. See Here.

TIP : to aggregate large tables, the number of CPU can be reduced to 1 in config.txt, to remove parallel processing and reducing RAM usage.

1- install Julia v1.5.3 or later free programming language and install package :

DataFrames : add DataFrames

CSV : add CSV

Satistics : add Statistics

Distributed : add Distributed

compatibility verified with :

[336ed68f] CSV v0.6.2

[a93c6f00] DataFrames v0.21.0

2- unzip the software

3- copy your tables files in the “data” directory.

- txt or csv files with TAB separator by default

- first line : column names

- first column : row names

- next columns : values with dot as decimal separator.

4- edit the config.txt file to select the test, the number of CPUs etc...

5- execute the software by the command : julia aggregate_main_005.jl

6- the results are in the sum, mean, max, min or maxrow directory depending on the test selected.