Split table by lines blocks

This software analyses tables in CSV or TXT (separator TAB by default) and split the lines with the same names (1st column) into text files. The files names are the tables names

The table must fit into RAM.

Manual :

1- if not already installed, install Perl free programming language

2- unzip the software

3- copy data csv or txt (TAB delimitated by default) files in the “data” directory

4- execute the software by the command : perl software_name or double click on the .pl file

5- processed files are in the “results” directory.

Syntax: split_by_line-xxx.pl -s 'separator' (default separator : TAB)

split_by_line-xxx.pl : (TAB separator)

split_by_line-xxx.pl -s ";" : (; separator)

header_split_by_lines_blocks_0.2.pl will keep the original header on each result file.