Wilkoxon and T-test

Original program written by Marie TOSOLINI in 2012 and revised by Frederic PONT 08/2012

This program performs paired (or unpaired) T-tests on all combinations of two columns of a CSV (Tab delimitated) table : [Col1Col2, Col1Col3,.., Col1Coln, Col2Col3,...Col2Coln...]. If the program detects that the data distribution is not normal, then it uses the paired (or unpaired) Wilcoxon test instead of the T-test.

Example of application : this program performs in seconds one off the most widely used test in biology to test the effect of a treatment.

Manual :

This software has been tested on linux only. It should run on windows with a minor modification : the path to the R program ('R' under linux) should be replaced by the windows path.

1- if not already installed, install Perl free programming language

2- install the R statistical package

3- unzip the software you want for paired or unpaired test

4- copy your data csv (TAB delimitated only) files in the “data” directory

VERY IMPORTANT : the decimal separator must be a dot. To set this in openoffice/libreoffice : Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Language -> Decimal Separator. You can alternatively use the search replace word tool to change efficiently the decimal separator.

4- execute the software by the command : perl software_name or double click on the .pl file

5- processed files are in the “results” directory.