Remove Lines

This software remove rows in text file where the beginning of the line corresponds to the lists in reference files. An unlimited number of lists and tables can be processed. This program is complimentary to Select lines in table.

Manual :

1- if not already installed, install Perl free programming language

2- unzip the software

3- copy your data txt or csv files in the “table” directory.

4- copy your reference lists in the “lists” directory, one item per line.

5- execute the software by the command : perl software_name or double click on the .pl file

remove_lines : the program remove in the file, the lines which begin by the same string than in the list.

remove_lines_key_word : the program remove in the file, the lines which contains by the same string than in the list.

6- processed files are in the “results” directory.

caution : some special characters in reference lists are not processed. Currently the code can process "[ ]"